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October 18, 1986 Shea Stadium
1986 World Series Game 1
Boston Red Sox 1, Mets 0

Chris Rosa
October 25, 2001
My brother and sit in the cold and watch in agony as Bruce Hurst frustrates the Mets. A brilliant pitching performance by Ron Darling is wasted as Tim "@#$%*" Teufel allows Gedman's ground through his legs, allowing Rice to lumber home for the game's only run.

norton redmond
June 5, 2003

Teufel's error was probably the worst moment of my very young life to date at the time.

June 15, 2004

My only World Series game ever.

What a DUD!!!

Not only did the Mets lose - it was freezing cold and the game was awful.

The only run scored on the error by Tim Teufel, but I think Ron Darling had Jim Rice (who scored the run) 0 and 2, then ended up walking him. That was frustrating.

"Frustrated" does not begin to describe the guy next to me, who paid $500 apiece for two seats!!!

I'd rather watch an Adam Sandler film festival than sit through this disappointing yawner again.

Final note: I went to this game; my best friend went to Game 7. He still gives me grief for that!

March 17, 2006

It was a pitcher's duel between Bruce Hurst and Ron Darling and suddenly, Tim Teufel lets the ball go through his legs and the Mets couldn't come through. I guess Buckner was payback.

October 19, 1986 Shea Stadium
1986 World Series Game 2
Boston Red Sox 9, Mets 3

January 9, 2001
This game was torture for Mets fans. I was at Game 1, freezing my ___ off, so I was happy to be on my couch for Game 2. It was such a drubbing and a long, ugly American-league-style game. I remember going out for a jog in about the 7th inning, even though it was dark and I had consumed some beers, because I could not stand to watch any more. Not quite the Mike Scoscia homer game, but still one of the post season's worst.

Joe Lanzisera
July 22, 2002

This is when I started to worry. They roughed up Doc. Evans went deep early and it was a dreary game. Losing the first two at home was not what I had in mind at the start of the series. Thank God for Lenny's homer leading off game three.

March 18, 2009

I was at this game. What a dreary drag. Gooden was knocked around and Clemens wasn't much better. I remember Keith Hernandez throwing to second on a bunt play and bouncing it into Santana's chest. Howard Johnson came up as a pinch-hitter in the fourth or fifth inning with a couple of runners on, when it was still a game, and hit the ball a mile, but the wind held it up and it was caught or it blew foul. Would have been a home run on a normal day.

community chest
August 18, 2011

It was at this point that many of us began to think that the '86 Series would be something worth forgetting. I remember the next game, the first one at Fenway, which the Mets won easily, and still thought that in terms of excitement, thrills, and suspense, this Series would never measure up in history. Who knew what was coming...

October 21, 1986 Fenway Park
1986 World Series Game 3
Mets 7, Boston Red Sox 1

Andy from Rego Park
November 15, 2001
BOSTON -- Lenny Dykstra's lead-off home run off Oil Can Boyd keyed the Mets' 7-1 rout of the Red Sox. As a 21-year-old college senior living in Boston, I'll never forget sleeping outside Fenway Park to get tix for this game, or sitting behind the Red Sox bullpen in right field when "Nails" pulled that pitch right down the right-field line and just inside the foul/fair pole. After being down 2-0 and dropping those two games at Shea, the Mets needed a laugher.

October 22, 1986 Fenway Park
1986 World Series Game 4
Mets 6, Boston Red Sox 2

April 28, 2006
The Mets tied the series at 2 here as Carter hit two homers over the Green Monster, and Dykstra hit one that went off Dwight Evan's glove and into the seats and the Mets won.

Clubhouse Report
August 11, 2015

Before this game a friend of mine who was a Mets fan but watched a lot of Red Sox games on one of those old satellite dishes, said to me: "Don't worry, the Mets will win tonight, Al Nipper is the Red Sox' version of Ed Lynch..."

October 23, 1986 Fenway Park
1986 World Series Game 5
Boston Red Sox 4, Mets 2

Shickhaus Franks
December 2, 2015
This is the game where the now-infamous "DARRYL" chant began.

October 25, 1986 Shea Stadium
1986 World Series Game 6
Mets 6, Boston Red Sox 5

Happy Recap
July 17, 2000
I know a lot of people probably make this claim, but I was at this game, and I remember it distinctly 14 years later. I was high above first base, in the upper deck, far from the V.I.P.'s.

I remember how silent Shea got in the top of the 10th when the Red Sox scored those two runs. I remember seeing people flooding out of the ballpark. I couldn't believe anybody would leave early from the sixth game of a World Series. I remember thinking, "If the Mets make a comeback, these people will regret for the rest of their lives the five minutes they saved by leaving early.

I remember, when the Mets had two out and nobody on, the DiamondVision scoreboard briefly, and erroneously, flashing "Congratulations Red Sox." And I remember having my heart in my mouth, desperately hoping against hope, as first Gary Carter, then Kevin Mitchell, then Ray Knight singled to keep the Mets alive.

And, of course, I remember Bob Stanley's wild pitch, and the ground ball Mookie hit that bounced through Buckner's legs. From high above, I figured that Mookie had a chance to beat it out. When it trickled "through the wickets" I remember pointing and shouting "LOOK! LOOK!" as if Ray Knight needed me to tell him to come home with the winning run. I still think sometimes of those people who left early, who must have heard the roar from the ramps and the parking lot. What a night! Being at that game was the peak of my "career" as a baseball fan.

October 18, 2000

Now here's a coincidence... I was having a college party that night at my house (yes, my parents knew about it! They even joined us for a couple of innings!) Forty of my friends, crammed into my basement, watching one of the most memorable games in World Series History! 37 Mets fans, and 3 Sox fans. when the Sox scored in the top of the 10th, you could hear a pin drop... until the Sox fans started rubbing it in! Revenge is oh so sweet! Bottom 10th, the wild pitch, and I thought the roof was going to blow off the house! Then the grounder thru Buckner's legs! Sheer madness! Yelling in the streets! And the neighbors joined us! To this day, when I talk to friends who were there, they still rave about the great time... though I'm surprised some of them actually remember the night!

January 17, 2001

I remember watching the game at my Mother's house with my brother and cousin. My brother and I are insane Mets fans, my cousin really couldn't care less. As the bottom of the 10th unfolded, I was laying on one couch, and my brother was laying on another. We just laid there feeling that this glorious season was coming to a crushing end. As we watched the first two Mets make out, and the smile widen on Roger Clemens face, we couldn't help thinking it was all over. As the next series of events unfolded, our gloomy feelings brightened with each Met reaching base, to the point where, when Mookie came up, we were both sitting up on our respective couches feeling that fate may be taking a bizzare turn. All this time my cousin sat on a chair in the corner showing no emotion at all. When the ball went through Buckner's legs and Knight scored, my brother and I jumped up and down on the couches and pounded the furniture like two complete lunatics for at least two or three minutes. All the while my cousin sat there like a statue. Once we had calmed down, my cousin looked at us and jokingly said, in a straight voice, "Who won?" It was an incredible night, and the second greatest memory I have as a Mets fan (for my all-time greatest memory, look at game three of the 1973 NLCS).

May 10, 2001

i was visiting the cooperstown hall of fame with my wife. we had a nice dinner at a victorian style restaurant out in the woods outside of the village. after dinner we went to the lounge where there was a wide screen tv playing the game. baskets of popcorn and mugs of beer being sold. this being New York state the place was loaded with red sox fans.... when all seemed lost my wife bravely said, don't worry were going to win. Well, after the "impossible happend", we were jumping up and down and screaming our heads off - the place was packed with quiet but angry sox fans giving us the evil eye. we dashed out to the car to hear bob murphy's happy recap --- oh what a night !!!!

May 24, 2001

I am an avid videotaper. I have 1700 movies on tape and hundreds of "Specials". Events, concerts, prize- fights, etc. But I was so enthralled with the Mets, that I didn't bother to tape any of the games, until the 6th game. When the Mets came up for their last at bat, trailing by two, with Vince Scully bemoaning Howard Johnson and Davy Johnson's mistakes, I told my wife I was gonna turn the VCR off. "Why," she asked, "when you've taped so much of the game. Wait till they make the final out". Thank God I listened, because of her I have the entire 6th and 7th Games of the series, including commercials in my collection. Every once in a while, I put it on just to listen to Vince Scully's error in judgement, and the one error that my wife didn't let me make.

June 3, 2001

All summer long I felt that this was the Mets' year of destiny, that after going 108-54, we would win the World Series. When we fell behind in the 10th, I couldn't believe what was happening. Being only 17 at the time, I was just naive enough to think the Mets had a chance, even after the two quick outs in the bottom of the 10th. I remember making a big deal about Mitchell getting to third on Ray Knight's base hit. Who knew that a wild pitch was in store! I remember the relief of that play, knowing that our season couldn't end on the next pitch. I felt the destiny was back, that the Mets would win this game somehow, even if it went 15 innings. The Buckner play was a total blur. I had so much adrenaline that I couldn't sleep - I was up until 5 a.m. watching TV looking for every highlight and recap I could find.

Andrew Jarosh
August 30, 2001

I remember the cameras picking up Red Sox pitchers in the bullpen when the Mets were down to their last out. It caught Roger Clemens borrowing a comb from somebody and combing his hair in preparation for the post-game festivities and interviews. It cemented my opinion of him as a jackass, but oh, what a pitcher, and I'm glad the Yanks have him.

Thom Simmons
October 10, 2001

I remember I was at home (in Los Angeles) getting ready to go out to a club. I was with about five of my friends and we were all dressed up for a night on the town. We were watching the game and my friends were bugging me to get going in the 10th with two outs because, as they said, "it's over." I convinced them to stay because I wanted to watch the Red Sox run out and celebrate and watch the post game interviews. I remember a quick shot of the red Sox locker room with the lockers covered in plastic and a cart with champagne on it. As each Met got on base, my friends, who had been standing yelling at me to "come on", began to all sit down and watch the events unfold. Once Stanley threw the wild pitch, their faces were fixed on the TV. To this day I will never forget Scully's call of Mookies grounder ... "a little roller up along first, beHIND THE BAG ... HERE COMES KNIGHT AND THE METS WIN IT!!!!!" At that point we were all jumping up and down screaming and were so amped we didn't make it out until 1:30 a.m.. We stayed home drinking and talking about the game until then. It is still, to this day, the greatest single game I have ever witnessed!

Richard Biever
October 25, 2001

I was a photographer for a suburban Indianapolis newspaper and, of course, had to shoot the state high school marching band contest! I kept trying to catch glimpses of the game on the big-screen TVs in the suites at the Hoosier Dome where the contest was being held.

I finally made it back to my upstairs apartment above this elderly couple to watch the game in the eighth inning and thought it was over! The miracle then ensued!! What an unforgettable night! I thought I was going to wake my landlords up when I started leaping up and down celebrating.

Maybe I did. During the series finale on Monday, they called me down to talk to them. Wearing my Mets shirt and Mets hat, they asked me to move out -- said their daughter was coming home with her kids from California and needed the room. Next morning, sure enough, there was her luggage on the back porch! But, I didn't care. The Mets had won!

Jim Snedeker
November 15, 2001

To this day, I still can't believe the Mets won this game. It defies all probability or logic.

I watched it on TV at my sister's house in Vermont. I had to be quiet because her young son was sleeping in the next room. When the Sox got the second out in the 10th, I started getting ready for bed and said to her, well, it's been a nice season. Then the bottom fell out. I quietly cheered the Mets rally. But when the ball went through BB's legs, I jumped up and let out a yell that could have woken up my nephew. But I didn't care! "The Mets are gonna win!" I screamed.

My sister, who wasn't much of a baseball fan before then (and when she was, she rooted for the Sox), said that this game crystalized her feelings about baseball--meaning that she realized what a great game it is.

As much as I was happy, I felt bad for the Sox. What a way to blow it. They must be truly cursed.

December 18, 2001

I was in the upper deck in section 37 for this game. I can still see the skydiver floating into the stadium and the startled Keith Hernandez scrambling away. I also remember seeing the "Congratulations 1986 World Chapions Boston Red Sox" on the scoreboard prematurely. I can still see my dad's face ready to cry as we were about to lose the series. Then after all of the miracles and the Buckner ball..the place EXPLODED! I was jumping up and down on my chair and it broke. I still remember people SCREAMING as we left the stadium heading down the exit ramps. There was a fire truck outside trying to get to an emergency and the fans just swarmed it and it didn't go anywhere. What an emotional roller coaster of a night. Still have my ticket stubs too :-)

May 24, 2002

The Mets broke my heart this night. You guys have your 1969 banner, couldn't you be happy with that? Why wouldn't you give us just one measly banner? We hate the Yankees, we were the original home of Bob Ojeda, what else do you want from us? - A lonely, depressed Red Sox fan

Joe Lanzisera
July 22, 2002

What can I say that hasn't been said. I was a freshman in college at the time and I remember actually crying after Barrett doubled in Boggs. It just couldn't end that way and of course it didn't. I agree that the Wild Pitch was the most emotional moment in my sports-watching life (even more than Scott Norwood's wide right in Super Bowl XXV). I also remember the faces on the Red Sox pitchers in the bullpen and Oil-Can Boyd in the dugout. What awesome revenge. I can almost still taste it.

Ed K
October 4, 2002

The at-bat by Mookie has to be the greatest at- bat in the history of the franchise. I've played it videotape from time to time and it is still hard to believe it happened like it did.

Jim Snedeker
October 11, 2002

Every now and then I think back to this game and still cannot believe the Mets won it. It flies in the face of all reason, probability and possibility. I think, in reality, when Gary Carter came up to start the rally, the two teams entered a worm-hole in the universe, and from that moment until Knight scored, the game was played in a dimension other than our known world. What I'm saying is that the Red Sox (who I felt bad for) really won the 1986 Series. And somewhere in a far-off land, Red Sox fans celebrated that night, while the moon was shining bright.

Karl de Vries
December 26, 2002

Just some statistics for you from that miracle inning that I compiled by analyzing the tape:

After the outs made by Backman and Hernandez, the Mets faced 19 pitches with two outs, and had four 2-strike pitches in which the game could have ended had Wilson (or Knight) waved at them (not counting the three 2-strikers that faced Wilson with the game tied).

Now had Buckner made the play, there was a good chance Wilson would have beaten Buckner to the bag, which would have kept the game tied with runners at first and third. HOWEVER, with Howard Johnson at the plate, the Armando Benitez of post- season play, there would be a more than likely chance we would have gone to the top of the 11th, with good old Doug Sisk on the mound.

Don't think for a minute we don't appreciate the favor, Billy.

March 14, 2003

I was seven years-old...

My parents dragged me to their friends house, whom they had plans with that evening, and I convinced the other children in the house that watching the game was the "cool" thing to do. As the later innings approached, all of the adults in the house came downstairs to watch the game.

I watch the tape of that game today, and can still remember the yelling and screaming I did after the ball went through Buckner's legs. As long as I live, and as many great baseball memories as I'll have, that will always be the day to me that cemented my place as a Met fan and a baseball lover.

April 24, 2003

As long-term fans (we had our engagement party at Shea Stadium) and season-ticket holders (believe me it was a fortune to us...and worth it), my husband and I sat in the Mezzanine section 8 on the rail, with the two close friends we'd made by sharing that box with them over the years. Our rally caps on, tears flowing and hearts breaking, all clutching each other...we then experienced the most incredible turn-around emotional and thrilling game I can possibly imagine. It was so unbelievably exciting, I can't believe any game in my life will ever match it as long as I live.

Remember the parachutist? In this day and age we would have thought he was a terrorist. Back then it was just fun and exciting and cool.

Also present elsewhere in the stadium was my dear mom and also dear friend Pat Grande. I'm so glad they both were there too.

Even the 7th game that we also attended, where they actually won the Series was anti-climactic if you can believe it. I still miss the fun and friendly regulars in the nearby box seats and their camaraderie, who might still remember Vicky and Joe. I can picture everyone there. Eternal thanks to Tom who later gave me a copy of his videotaped version to enjoy for posterity. (Let's not forget how wild those playoffs were too, but I won't take up any more space here!) Thanks for the memories!

October 13, 2003

Oh my, the famous game 6.. I was 11 years old and, living in Florida, pretty much the only Mets fan I knew.

I remember my mom let me stay up really late to watch this game. I had practically given up all hope of a World Series win with the loss the day before. But I knew the Mets still had a chance..

When the Sox scored twice in the top of the 10th, I had tears in my eyes. But I put on what would become my 'lucky' baseball glove and forced myself to watch all the way to the final out, cause I thought that's what a real fan would do. Every time the Mets were down to their last strike I was hiding my face in the glove. Then Carter got a hit. Then Mitchell. Then Knight. The magic was starting.

Then Mookie came up and a wild pitch later, it was suddenly looking possible. Then Wilson hit that little dribbler that Bill Buckner will probably never forget. I remember screaming "No!" when he first hit it, thinking there was NO WAY this wasn't the final out... and it quickly turned to "YES YES YES!" when the ball skittered between Buckner's legs. My glove went flying as Knight crossed the plate and I jumped up and down on my bed. Much like Orosco's did the next day.

Everything after that moment is a blur, but I'll never, ever, forget that comeback. It cemented me as an official Mets Fan For Life. Even as a professed Marlins fan these days, I still silently root for the Mets cause that's where the real magic is.

October 21, 2003

I am a Red Sox fan, and just like the 2003 ALCS was lost as a result of a managerial decision, so was the 1986 series with the Mets. It's rather curious, but I've not heard this position taken by any analyst. Bill Buckner should not have been in the game at the point in time of the infamous error. Throughout the second half of the season, when the Sox were protecting a lead in the late innings, Buckner would come out. He was replaced by Dave Stapelton at 1st for defensive purposes. Why didn't this occur in Game 6? The Sox' manager went brain-dead, again.

November 11, 2003

I was about 17 and drinking at a party down a couple of blocks where I lived. I had to make curfew and so I left in the 9th inning before the Red Sox went up to bat. I ran, but was drunk so it took longer then it should've, by the time I reach my house the Red Sox already scored the two runs, and the bottom of the 10th just started. My parents were sitting there with the tv off, with my brother (who had MS at the time and couldn't talk because of the disease). I asked why the tv was off, my Dad said your mom shut it off because she can't take watching them anymore. I said turn it on we need to watch the last out, and that was when Mookie was up and the magic happened. I didn't even get in trouble for drinking that night either.

The Mook
November 15, 2003

I thought 1969 would never be topped, I was wrong. . Nothing those bums did after this game bothered me as it once might have:1987, Soscia's HR, Dwight and drugs, Daryl leaving(which signalled the end both for him and the Mets) the Dykstra trade, the Torborg years, Bobby Bo,Vince Coleman....right up to Alomar and the Mo(uhhh Vaughn that is). None of it really mattered much as I had been to the depths of hell only to rise to the mountaintop.Maybe that was the story of the whole franchise post Buckner.. I must admit though, Seventeen years later, I still think back on this game,this one moment and smile.

July 1, 2004

I watched this game at my Dad's house with him and my best friend: three HARDCORE Mets fans. I made the mistake of watching Game 5 at a bar, where there were Boston fans and Yankee fans making a lot of anti-Mets noise.

Like everyone else, we were shocked, depressed, and ready to hit the 'off' button on the TV the minute the Sox closed out the 10th inning. I kept saying 'it wasn't supposed to end this way!' and my Dad and best friend looked like their dog died.

After the second base hit, we perked up a bit, and my Dad got into one of his many (and statistically dubious) "lucky" Mets vantage points in his living room.

When the ball went through Buckner's legs, all three of us (combined weight est. to be 600+ lbs) were jumping up and down in a group hug. I had my hand on my Dad's heart and kept telling him to calm down because he was overweight. Of course he did not.

After a minute, I went and woke up my sister, who could not have cared less about the game, because I felt I HAD to explain what just happened to someone. She was bleary-eyed and feigned happiness...a real good sport.

Hate to commit this sacrilege, but I like Vin Scully's call of this moment better than The Murph's and I love The Murph.

Ahhhh, I bid $25,000 for a time machine that would let me be at the Big Shea for this game. I saw Game 1 and it was the dullest game ever!!!

August 13, 2004

Another memory of this game:

Remember that utlimate hot dog Dave Henderson catching out #2 in the 10th inning? He threw the ball back in and froze like a statue with a big smile on his face as if to say "this is it, boys."

I actually kind of like Hendu, but in that series, his act was a bit tiresome.

Someone made a great post earlier about Clemens and retribution - great point. I still feel he got off lightly with respect to the two Piazza incidents in 2000, but he will never escape the fact that he chickened out of game 6 when he could have nailed down the WS for Boston.

Harry B
August 6, 2004

First of all, this site is very cool! I just purchased this game and am watching it right now. I recall my girlfriend and I were at a party. I kept checking on the game. With the game close late, she and I went to my house (okay, my mom's house) to watch the end. When we got down two outs and two strikes, I recall vividly sitting on the couch, with girlfriend at my side, not believing what I was seeing. I just remember silently urging each hitter to get something going. Then, one by one, they did. When the Mets won, I absolutely couldn't believe it!

The next night, my girlfriend and I watched the Mets win the World Series.

By the way, I married that girl and she's now disgusted at the fact that I collect and watch vintage games as a hobby! Oh well, love her anyway!

February 21, 2005

I can never forget. I was living in a co-op in Queens at the time. Resigned to the “wait until next year” refrain when suddenly Gary hit a single, then Mitchell, then Knight. . . then. . . Mookie’s at bat . . .

Vince Scully: “A little roller up along first . . . it’s behind the bag!! It gets through Buckner. . . here comes Knight and the Mets WIN IT!!!!”

The whole co-op building SHOOK violently!! I thought it would come down! I guess everyone was looking at the game at the same time.

I imagine the architects of the building said “This building’s solid – unless all of its occupants jump up and down simultaneously. But how likely is that?”

Little did they know!

I’ll never forget that thunderous vibration caused by hundreds of remote, ecstatic Mets’ fans basking in our dramatic and improbable comeback win! Somehow we knew it’d be our last of the century.

scott r
March 15, 2005

I was a Met fan going to college in Massachusetts at the time, so after the first two games I was getting razzed horribly. It calmed down after the Mets won the next two in Boston. My parents were up that night for parents weekend and I missed the start of the game for some stupid dinner dance but watched the rest in their hotel room. With two outs in the tenth I was thinking I'm never gonna hear the end of this. These Sox fans are gonna be so obnoxious, but then the comeback, proof there is a God. I have never nor will I ever leave a game early after seeing this.

November 11, 2006

Hands down, the greatest Mets game of all time. It started with Roger Clemens, the best pitcher in baseball, vs. Bob Ojeda. If Clemens won, the Sox had the series. Clemens is pitching great, has a 3-2 lead in the 7th, but for some reason, McNamara decides to take him out, and this is when we got our chance. The Mets rallied and tied it in the 8th. The T.V. screen showed Clemens' face in the dugout, which looked almost as if he had just been hit by a truck.

Then in the 10th, Dave Henderson, who had saved the Red Sox from defeat in the ALCS with a three-run bomb on the last strike against the Angels, hit a two-run bomb that seemed to end it for the Mets. Once again, it showed the Red Sox dugout and Clemens and the rest of the team was jumping up and down. In the bottom of the 10th, the first two outs were made and the champagne bottles were being wrapped in the Sox dugout.

No one could dream of what would happen next. Carter gets a base hit, Knight gets a base hit, Keith Mitchell brings in Carter with one strike left, and in comes Bob Stanley. Mookie Wilson stays alive, fouls em off, Stanley throws it to the backstop, and we all went crazy!!! And then... "A little roller up along first... BEHIND THE BAAAAAAAG! IT GETS THROUGH BUCKNER! KNIGHT SCORES AND THE METS WIN IT!!!" Utter chaos.

I always wondered what it was like on the other side, for all those Red Sox fans. And then I thought, nah!

Mike C,
November 11, 2006

My girlfriend and I were big Mets fans; we would always go to the city to catch the games on SportsChannel. The 86 World Series, my girlfriend's sister won tickets in an office pool (Mezzanine between 1st and home plate), she had no interest in going to the game, lucky us. What an atmosphere in the park had that night. The night starts off with Michael Sergio parachuting into Shea. The game looked hopeless for the Mets that night until something magical happened. The Metsies refused to die. Which old Brooklyn Dodger ghost lifted Buckner's glove that night to change the course of history? One of my future grandkids will someday be the lucky recipient of my game 6 ticket.

john t greenpoint
March 31, 2007

I will never forget this game for the rest of my life. Watching with my best friend John and his cousin Steven. I remember starting to cry when Keith Hernandez flied out, and thinking how could we have lost this World Series! Then my friend John's mother says it's not over yet and I just wanted to get up and scream at her to shut the **** up! But I didn't. 3 hits, a wild pitch and a dribbler up along first and John, Steven and myself fell over together on the couch. I was hysterical crying from so much emotion it was such a thrill to watch that game that night, that it really has no words to describe how I felt when Ray Knight scored that winning run. I can honestly say I know now why they are called the amazing Mets. What a game, what a World Series, what a year!

Bill From Hoboken
October 8, 2006

Besides all the obvious euphoria surrounding this game, I remember it was daylight savings time, clocks at 2 am moved back to 1 am. All us Mets fans got an extra hour on a Saturday night to celebrate the greatest "in game" comeback in World Series History! I think i'm still recovering!

March 31, 2007

I was only 4 years old when this game took place. Sometimes I regret being too young to enjoy this game "LIVE" but what are you going to do? When I first heard about the "Buckner Game" I was 14, it was incredible and simply amazin the way they came back on the Red Sox and the way the Mets were down to their last strike three times and the Red Sox couldn't shut the door. (Not even the 1998 Yankees can recover from that.) Now that I'm 24 years old I purchased the game and I'm watching it now. Every time I'm watching "Game 6" and I hear Vin Scully yell into eternity "BEHIND THE BAG IT GETS BY BUCKNER, HERE COMES KNIGHT AND THE METS WIN IT!!!! I get goosebumps and hoping that some day we can come back like that on the Yankees in a 7th game of a World Series.

October 6, 2006

This game...where to begin? Since the early 90's, when I got a new copy of the scorecard, (it was published in the 1987 SI baseball preview) it has hung on my wall, with one word written between the Mets and Red Sox's sections: BELIEVE. During the '86 series, I was a month shy of my 14th birthday, and a total baseball geek. The night of game 6 there was a school dance, but I didn't even consider going: the Mets needed this game. In hindsight, it was a hideous managing job by Johnson, mostly revolving around his handling of the shortstops (not letting Santana try to hit Clemens, messing with the bunt sign with HoJo, tossing Elster to the wolves), but blame was easily spread around here as McNamara was even more off his game than Davey. There was the irony, too, of one of the best relievers of the early 90's (the Mets would trade Aguilera just as he was showing talent as a reliever) getting torched for 2 runs.

I was still confident going to the bottom of the 10th, as we had Backman, Hernandez, and Carter coming up-You couldn't ask for much better. After the first two outs, I was on the verge of tears. We won 108 games, won a ton at home, and we were going to be skunked in the World Seies? It was impossible. I wanted to shut off the TV, but I just couldn't- I had to watch the bitter end. Then Carter, Mitchell and Knight all singled to start the impossible. Mookie's at-bat was one of the most amazing things I ever saw. Poor Buckner takes way too much flak when he should have been on the bench or in the hospital getting that ankle operated on. But the impossible happened, and we all could believe in things that seemed impossible.

March 31, 2007

I still can't believe it when I think of this game. It still seems like a dream.

April 19, 2007

I was a 14 year old, sitting in a couch at home watching the game on NBC, stunned with a Hendu 10th inning home run and another run coming, with the Mets down to 3 outs after the top of the 10th. I was praying and begging that the Mets, just once - just once more, would pull off a miracle like they did in the Game 6 of NLCS. And we all know what unravelled from there.

To this day, whether baseball game or not, I admit, like all millions of people, that this is one of the most incredible events that I have encountered in my life. When I am at against all odds and have to pull off something in real life, I always think back to THE GAME 6, and say to myself, "hey, the Mets pulled it off, why can't I ?". Well, THE GAME 6 does not happen to our lives every day, but this game really taught a 14 year old a very important lesson in life - don't give in as long as that chance, as miniscule as it may be, is still with you.

Shickhaus Franks
November 25, 2007

On the SNY special "Simply Amazin", they had footage of Bill Buckner saying that "It could come down to someone giving up the winning run by letting the by the way, I was watching all alone in my apartment since my mother had gone to bed and when the ball went through Buckner's legs; I screamed "YES" and my mother ran into the living room thinking that I was being attacked or something. For years afterward, I got to be friendly with a few Red Sox fans and I didn't even dare mention "Game 6" or "Buckner" which is like wishing a member of Jehovah Witness a "Merry Christmas." As a matter of fact, I was glad for the fact that the Red Sox won in 2004 and 2007.

Tom Quinn
June 9, 2008

I was in the Uecker seats somewhere along the first base side of the upper deck, one row from the back. I was actually mad when Carter got his hit after Wally and Keith flew out to start the bottom of the 10th. I felt like Carter was just prolonging my agony and there was no way we could win. I just wanted to go home and get a head start on a winter-long depression. The rest of this well documented ending is etched in my mind and will never be topped by any sporting event for the rest of my life. I'll never get over how much the upper deck shook that night. The ending was so frantic that I didn't see the ball go through Buckner's legs. All I knew was Knight scored and we all jumped and screamed as loud as we could. It took a while listening to Murph on the crappy AM radio I brought to figure out what had happened.

Larry C.
July 13, 2008

It's amazing that fans are still blogging about this historical game decades later! I'm a lifelong Mets fan (Brooklyn native born when the Dodgers won the '55 series). My former paralegal gave me (yes, for free) two lower level, third base line seats because she and her husband, who worked for Ticketron, were not New Yorkers or baseball fans. My wife and I went and it was a Miracle Game, to be sure. Unfortunately, my most striking memory of the event was that a bunch of business men who had a row of seats in front of me left the game in the 6th inning to grab dinner! I thought of all the loyal Mets fans, and baseball fans in general, who would have given their right arms for a chance to attend a NY-Boston World Series. Never forgot seeing a group of non-fans abandon one of the greatest games, in any sport, in history.

Raphael from Oneonta (somewhere Upstate)
July 16, 2008

I still get goose bumps thinking about it 22 years later.

December 6, 2010

On October 25th, 1986, I was a long way from Shea, but I was determined not to miss this game...despite the fact that I had to work until after it started, and the despite the fact I was working in Mexico at the time. I was working for a San Diego radio station whose on air studio was in Tijuana.

By the time I finished my shift, I knew I'd never make it across the border and take the trolley home in time to see the I stopped into one of the numerous bars on Ave Revolution, that was jammed packed with Americans and Mexicans... all of whom seemed to be Met fans. It was so crowded, you couldn't even hear the audio on the one 19-inch screen above the bar, but you could tell whenever the Mets made a great play, whether you saw it or not, based on everyone's reaction. By the time Mookie Wilson was at bat in the 10th it was still noisy, but noticeably tense, and the whole place erupted on the wild pitch to tie, and exploded when the grounder dribbled thru Buckner's legs. My ears were ringing from the noise, and I expected the several TJ cops present to shoot their guns in the air...thank goodness, they didn't.

Ray Tucker
April 29, 2011

It still amazes me how Buckner has been vilified about this game over the years. THIS JUST IN: Buckner misplaying Mookie's grounder was irrelevant; even if he makes the play the game goes on. Stanley's wild pitch was a far bigger travesty; it tied the game and the Mets were off the hook when Mookie came to bat.

Shickhaus Franks
February 1, 2013

POP CULTURE MOMENT: In the 2011 Garry Marshall movie "New Year's Eve"; there is a scene where the Times Square Ball is darkened by a power glitch and the VP of the Times Square group (played by Oscar winner Hillary Swank) has to get it fixed in time for midnight. In a brief scene, the President of the TS group (played by an uncredited and also a big Mets fan Matthew Broderick) reminds Swank about Bill Buckner's error and how he tells her no one remembers who else was on the field at that moment. NEWSFLASH TO FERRIS BUELLER: Mookie hit the ball, Ray Knight scored the winning run, Bob Stanley threw the pitch (although Calvin Schraldi got the loss) and the rest is history!!

October 11, 2017

The strangest fact about this great comeback victory was Rick Aguilera’s emergence as the winning pitcher. In the top of the 10th, Aguilera surrendered a leadoff homer, gave up a double and an RBI single and then hit a batter with a pitch in putting the Mets into a deep hole. He had the worst performance of all pitchers in the game and still got the W next to his name. Try to comprehend that one!

Joe Santoro
March 25, 2019

People forget that Buckner got hit by a pitch from Aguilera in the 10th inning. He got hit pretty hard and looked as if he wanted to charge the mound. The umpire made sure that wouldn't happen by casually getting in between. Anyway maybe he felt the bruise while playing that ground ball? We'll never know.

March 20, 2020

I was watching this game over my wife's parents house (we were dogsitting) when the Sox took the 5-3 lead I shut the game off and went to bed I couldn't stand to watch the Mets lose after being the best team all year (fan since 1969) so I heard nothing until the next afternoon when told by my sister that the Mets had won that game, and I argued with her until I saw the highlights of the game. Can't believe I turned game off now.

Hot Foot
April 16, 2020

I didn't even see them win that night because it was past my bedtime. I clearly remember watching the 9th inning, but after the Mets didn't score, my mom made me go to bed because we had church the next day. I couldn't even listen to it on the radio.

So the next morning, we're at church, and EVERYONE is saying "Did you see the Mets game?" "Did you see the Mets game?" "Did you see the Mets game?" I was silently screaming to myself WHAT HAPPENED????" but I didn't ask anyone because I was 9 and shy around strangers.

I finally found out how it happened months later, when I got the 1986 Mets highlight video for Christmas.

October 27, 1986 Shea Stadium
1986 World Series Game 7
Mets 8, Boston Red Sox 5

Celebrity Bowling
July 24, 2001
I know game 6 is one of the greatest games ever played, but the Mets still had to win game 7 or it wouldn't mean anything. And the Mets were flat in the beginning of the game. My memory of this game is of Sid Fernandez coming in in the 4th and dealing. I think he struck out the side in at least one inning and the momentum swung to the Mets.

Lou C.
August 14, 2001

I met someone by chance who was looking to unload Game 7 tickets. My brother and I plunked a few bucks to see our team finally win one. The seats were 8 rows behind the Red Sox dugout. We had such a great time. The Mets were down by three in the sixth and we all knew they would win. After what happened in Game 6, how could you not believe? I remember the cool air and the smoky like atmosphere as I panned the packed stadium from my ground level seat trying to absorb the moment and get my monies worth. The crowd was doing a Darr-yl like chant to every Boston player. The sound echoed through the air. We weren't sure if we'd ever be at such a monumental game again, even though the Mets appeared invincible. As we drove away from Shea, strangers were leaning in our car and hugging us. It was great. Whenever I hear talk of retribution to Roger Clemens, I think of Games 6 and 7 in 1986. He thought he was winning but didn't. Thats enough for me.

Richard Biever
October 25, 2001

I was a poor, recent-college grad, working as a photographer for an Indianapolis suburban newspaper. I had just started watching this game on my 13-inch color TV (a set I had bought only weeks before to celebrate the Mets pennant -- before I was still watching games on a 5-inch black and white set I won from my local Dairy Queen in 1982).

Then, my landlords -- an elderly couple -- called me downstairs to talk to them. I thought of all the freakin' times to possibly call me!! Maybe I did too much celebrating after Game 6, I thought, and they just wanted to talk about it. Wearing my Mets shirt and Mets hat, I went down and was then asked to move out.

It wasn't my celebrating, they said, it was just that their daughter and her kids were coming home from California the next morning and needed the room. I went back upstairs, depressed. Grew even more depressed as I watched the Mets fall three runs down, and then celebrated again with their victory.

Sure enough, next morning, there was their daughter's luggage on the back porch! But, I didn't care. The Mets had won!

March 26, 2003

"Here comes Wilson. Here comes Mazzilli," were the words of Vin Scully after Hernandez singled sharply off of the seemingly invincible Bruce Hurst to put us right back in the game. El Sid was the second coming of Koufax in this epic as he overmatched the Bosox while our bats were still heating up. The sight of Ray Knight homering off of the befuddled Schiraldi is etched in my memory forever. I never doubted them even after Darling fell behind 3-0 early. There was no way we were succumbing to these perpetual losers after we rose like Rasputin in game 6.

August 13, 2004

The base hit by Keith may be my #1 favorite Met memory of all time. He had no business swinging at a pitch that high -- except that he was Keith and he was clutch.

We were still down after this basehit, but was there any doubt?

Another beautiful sight: Ray Knight's homer hitting that blue tarp behind the wall. When you saw the little dimple in the tarp that was the cue to go crazy.

Joe Lanzisera
August 6, 2004

As a few people have already said, Sid Fernandez sealed his place in Mets history in this one. He was awesome and really turned the momentum by mowing down the Sox for a few innings. Meanwhile, the greatest clutch hitter in Mets history, Keith Hernandez, got the second huge game seven hit of his career (he had a two run single for St. Louis in Game 7 in 1982).

And then in the 9th - after the red stink bomb or whatever it was - Barrett struck out to end the game.

"Swing and a miss. Swing and a miss! Struck him out! Struck him out! and the Mets have won the World Series!" We still love you Murph.

November 16, 2004

I was 9 years old back in '86 for Game 7. I remember the second inning and the Boston homer that popped out of Straw's glove and over the fence. Then El Sid came in to stop the bleeding and on came the typical Mets rally that was so normal that season. Keith with the 2 RBI's and the Ray Knight putting us ahead for good with a blast. After that I just remember everything in slow motion. Then Straw crushed one and rounded the bases for what seemed like 5 minutes, and I knew the time was close. That damn smoke bomb delaying my celebration! Finally bottom of 9, two down, two strikes...Marty Barrett swings through Jesse Orosco's offering and Jesse launches the glove into outer space. I was jumping on my bed in my parents house and remember then going outside and celebrating with a bunch of my neighbors on the Island.

It all happened 18 years ago. It still stands as one of the greatest memories of my life. Still seems like it was yesterday.

December 19, 2004

How's this for a coincidence? When the Mets won the World Series in 1969, Jerry Koosman was on the mound. When they were World Champs in 1986, Jesse Orosco was on the mound. The true beauty is that in 1978, Koosman and Orosco were traded for each other.

April 30, 2005

That was the ultimate birthday present, as I turned 22 that day! Been a Mets fan since I was 5, and don't remember 1969. But, I will ALWAYS remember that last out on 10/27/86.

April 28, 2006

Keith's three run double didn't really surprise me too much cause after Game 6, everyone knew the Mets had the series. But one thing I will always remember is when Orosco threw that last pitch for Strike 3, he threw his glove up in the air and you never see it come down. Did his glove ever return to the ground? We will never know.

April 28, 2006

Hmm. well I don't really have much memory of that wonderful day. Would it be maybe because that was the day I was born!! I was born in the morning, and my father STILL went to the game!! Ha Ha. Twenty years later, I am still waiting for my Amazings to pull through again! Another birthday gift? =)

I love my Mets! ahh!

Killer K
June 10, 2006

I was a little over one year old when this game took place, so unfortunately was not there watching the game live. However, after buying both games 6 and 7 on videotape through Ebay, I've been able to watch this game over...and over...and over again. This is my favorite Met game of all time. Straw's home run, triumphant, breathtaking and arrogant as he took his sweet time rounding the bases epitmoizes the entire season in my view. Met superiority, the ONE TIME we've been the favorites...God bless the VCR and modern technology!

November 5, 2006

I was at this game with my father. Although not a Mets fan, I lived in the New York area at the time, and couldn't pass up a chance to be at the seventh game of the World Series.

I will admit I was a bit concerned when Ron Darling gave up the two early Boston home runs, but Davey Johnson's best move was to bring Sid Fernandez into the game in the middle innings. He completely shut the Red Sox down. After the Mets tied the game in the sixth with three runs, I had a feeling they would win.

Then, in the seventh, when Boston manager John Mcnamara brought Calvin Sharaldi in, the fun really began. First, Ray Knight blasted his memorable home run. After that, the stadium just erupted into this haunting chant of "Callll-Vinn Callll-Vinnn", taunting Sharaldi derisively, in the spirit with which the Red Sox fans had taunted Darryl Strawberry at Fenway earlier in the series.

The Red Sox didn't go away, and it got nervous for us fans rooting for the Mets again in the eighth, when Boston scored two off McDowell. Then, after Davey brought Orosco in, Strawberry hit that huge homer, and we had a feeling it was over. Then, Orosco hit an RBI single to boot, and the party could begin.

Although not really a Mets fan, I was very happy when Orosco struck out Marty Barrett of the Sox for the final out. The scoreboard flashed "116" for the Mets 116th win of the season, and it was truly awesome, as I can tell my grandchildren that I was at a clinching game of the World Series. It was an experience to remember.

August 18, 2011

Can't believe the 25th anniversary is coming up. I still have my ticket stub hanging on my wall, upper reserve section 23, row k seat 5. I didn't really need the seat; no one sat down after the 3rd inning. The stadium was bouncing so much I was glad I was on the top deck. We knew after Game 6 that the series was ours. We waited until after the final out to celebrate with the champagne we snuck in. All these years later and I can't believe it was the last championship. But at least I know I can die in peace. This night made the hardship of being a Mets fan worth it.

June 13, 1997 Shea Stadium
Boston Red Sox 8, Mets 4

February 19, 2004
Mo Vaughn hit a rocket HR in this, the first inter-league game in Mets history. The ball sailed over my head in the left field nosebleeds, and a man in a striped shirt reached up and made a sensational barehanded grab, the ball popping loudly (painfully) in his hand. A few celebratory 'I am the Man' arm pumps to those sitting around him, and, in a wonderfully fluid motion, he whipped Mo's home run ball back onto the field where it belonged. One of the greatest catches I have ever seen at Shea. I was so impressed that I took a disposable camera shot of the guy, but the blurry, out of focus picture that remains pales in comparison to my vivid memory.

Dave VW
September 21, 2023

Indeed, this was the first interleague game in Mets history, and it looked like they were headed to an easy win after Carl Everett hit Jeff Suppan's first pitch over the CF wall and Rick Reed was perfect over the first 4.1 innings. But things fell apart from there, as Scott Hatteberg broke up the perfect game with a single, and then John Valentin and Troy O'Leary followed with back-to-back home runs, and the Red Sox never looked back. In all, there were 7 home runs in the game, and they announced during the broadcast on Sportschannel that some company was donating $50k towards prostate cancer research for every HR hit between the two teams. That came out to a $350k grand total!

Though Larry is right that Mo Vaughn hit an absolute tape measure home run during the 9th inning, some of his details are a bit off. Mo's homer actually hit off the scoreboard, so there was no way someone in his section could have caught it. I think what he's remembering is a foul ball Vaughn hit earlier in the game (perhaps even earlier in his HR at-bat) that he yanked into the Loge section. That was probably the ball the fan caught and threw back. There were also an obnoxious amount of paper airplanes thrown onto the field during the game -- enough so that even the Mets PA announcer had to remind the crowd that, if they're caught throwing objects onto the field, they'd be subject to ejection and prosecution.

The Mets threatened to pull off a 1986 World Series-type comeback in the 9th. Entering the inning trailing 8-3, Alex Ochoa led off with his first home run of the year, and then the Mets loaded the bases with 2 outs for Todd Hundley, who had also homered earlier in the night. The Sox brought in their third pitcher of the inning to face Todd and, first-pitch swinging, Hundley grounded out to second to end the game.

June 14, 1997 Shea Stadium
Mets 5, Boston Red Sox 2

gharian price
April 1, 2004
I remember Mark Clark pitching a no hitter into the eigth inning for the Mets and ironically, Boston scored a run before they recorded a hit. This was the last game I ever attended with my father before he passed away. I love you dad :(

September 27, 2005

I remember Carl Everett bowling Boston C Bill Hasselmen head over heels. Carl was out on the play, but strutted back to the dugout like he'd just KO'd Tyson. Typical.

Mark Freedman
January 3, 2006

Mark Clark's home run was even more shocking than his almost no hitter. This was my daughter's first Mets game, which made her a life-long fan. Ironically, her second favorite team is the Red Sox, since she goes to Boston University, and was right down the road from Fenway when they broke the curse. But that's besides the point. This was the first interleague game I ever went to, and will remember it forever, mainly because of my daughter.

June 15, 1997 Shea Stadium
Boston Red Sox 10, Mets 1

Dave VW
September 21, 2023
With the Subway Series on the horizon, the Mets look destined for a midseason collapse, suffering one of their worst losses to this point in the season. After an RBI groundout by Matt Franco put the Mets up 1-0 in the 2nd, the Red Sox proceeded to bat around in the 3rd, as 8 straight batters reach base en route to taking a 5-1 lead. They'd go on to double their tally from there to take the first interleague series in Mets history.

Bobby Jones, who had won his last 8 starts, simply didn't have it and only lasted 4 innings. On the flipside, scrub extraordinaire Vaughn Eshelman had one of the best starts of his career, giving up just 1 run over 7 innings, at one point retiring 13 batters in a row. He also legged out a bunt single in his first career at-bat. History shows Eshelman only made 7 more Major League appearances after this game and held a 10.34 ERA over that span. He didn't pitch professionally again until the year 2000, and actually wrapped up his career with the Mets Triple-A affiliate in Norfolk in 2001. I also just learned he died in 2018 after complications from a liver transplant. RIP.

Meanwhile, this marked Barry Manuel's last appearance as a Met, and also was Bernard Gilkey's first time batting first in the lineup as a Met. He responded by going 2-for-4 but was still hitting a dreadful .203 for the season.

Now 6-7 in June, missing countless players due to injury (Alfonzo, Huskey, Ordonez, Lance Johnson, Manny Alexander, Isringhausen, Paul Wilson and Pete Harnisch, to name a few), and now starting to see key players regress back to mediocrity after hot starts, this was shaping up to be the absolute worst time to go into the Bronx and take on the reigning champion Yankees with the eyes of the city and MLB upon them. If I were keeping track of things in 1997, I would not be liking the Mets' chances going into the first ever Subway Series.

June 5, 1998 Fenway Park
Mets 9, Boston Red Sox 2

February 8, 2002
Two friends of mine from college--one a Met fan, the other a Sox fan--made the trip up to Boston to catch the first of the three game set. This was the first time I had seen a Met game outside of Shea, and it was also the first time I got to see Piazza in a Met uniform, as my previous trip to a Met game had been the day he was traded, and thus not in the lineup. Of course, I really didn't get the chance to see Piazza hit, as Pedro Martinez broke his hand with an inside heater (I've heard rumors that Pedro's brother Ramon had some ill feelings toward Mike left over from their days in Dodgerland). The three of us thought we had great seats-- much like Bob Uecker in those old beer commercials--though it was the usher's mistake and by the 2nd inning, they unfortunately found our correct seats. Then again, there really isn't a bad seat in the house there. We expected it to be a great pitching match- up between Leiter and Pedro, but Pedro, instead of throwing gas, pitched like he had bad gas, and gave up home runs to the following Mets: Alberto Castillo, Luis Lopez, Bernard Gilkey and finally, John Olerud. Obviously Olerud's the black sheep here, I mean, in a quartet of sluggers that includes honored company like Castillo and Luis Lopez, one tends to omit Olerud's name from such an elite class. Future Met Mo Vaughn cranked one late, but by then the game was far out of reach, and Bobby V had brought in Brad Clontz of all people. The Sox fan in our group didn't have a great night, but got his revenge the following year...

Dave VW
January 22, 2024

It's always fun to attend a game the Mets win in an opposing ballpark, so that must have been some experience revolve. Especially considering it was Fenway Park. Just to note: Piazza didn't actually break his hand when he was hit by Pedro's pitch, it was just a bruise and he was back in the lineup a couple games later.

A nice way to kick off interleague play in 1998, and a solid palette cleanser for the previous 3 games in Pittsburgh. After getting swept by the Pirates, scoring just 5 runs in those 3 games, and then losing Piazza in the 1st inning here, it's quite surprising the Mets had the outburst they did in this game, what with Pedro on the hill and all. But after starting the year 5-0 with a 1.74 ERA over his first 10 starts in 1998, Pedro hit a wall and allowed 23 runs over his next 24 innings, a span during which this game is included. The 4 home runs he allowed were tied for the most he ever gave up in a start; he actually gave up 4 more in his very next start at Atlanta. He also gave up 4 gopherballs as a member of the Mets vs. Philadelphia in 2005. Meanwhile, the 4 HRs were tied for the most the Mets would hit in a game in 1998.

Castillo and Olerud hit back-to-back blasts in the 3rd, something Pedro hadn't allowed since August of 1996. Castillo's homer was his last as a Met (though he only hit 2), and Gilkey's homer was his 2nd-to-last as a Met. At only 4 innings long, this was Pedro's shortest start in 1998, as well as his shortest out of 15 career starts vs. the Mets. What's really interesting is that Pedro didn't lose in any of his first 9 starts against the Mets, but has now lost each of his last 3. But in his 3 remaining starts vs. the Mets (1 with Boston, 2 with Philly) he wouldn't lose again.

This was also the first time Hideo Nomo was in a Mets uniform, just acquired along with Clontz the previous day. He sort of controversially chose to wear #16, making him the first player to wear it since Dwight Gooden left the team in 1994. Clontz made his Mets debut in the game, pitching a scoreless inning, but would be demoted to AAA Norfolk a short time later and wouldn't be back until September.

June 6, 1998 Fenway Park
Mets 1, Boston Red Sox 0

Greg Gentry
July 13, 2008
I was at this game with a friend in Boston, the only run scored was on a balk.

Incredible pitchers duel. Wakefield only gave up one hit through 8.

It was a game Wakefield should have won, but I was glad to see the Mets come out on top.

August 14, 2013

My first Mets game courtesy of tickets from my uncle who lived in the Boston suburbs.

Strangely in a series that featured Al Leiter and Pedro during his peak pitch the night before, this game turned out the pitcher's duel of the three. I was only seven, but I do remember the Mets getting a run on a Wakefield balk and Bobby Jones making it stand for eight inning before ceding the game to John Franco for a rare non-ulcer inducing ninth.

Dave VW
December 13, 2023

One of 4 1-0 Mets wins in 1998, and the first since Opening Day, which Bobby Jones also started. The game featured just 6 hits, all singles, but I think it should have been 7 as the official scorer robbed John Olerud of a base hit in the 4th when he scalded a ball past Mo Vaughn at 1B.

It was indeed Brian McRae who scored on Tim Wakefield's balk in the 6th. He had led off with a walk, took second on a delayed steal, advanced to third on a groundout by Olerud, and scored when he made a fake-break towards home that momentarily broke Wakefield's concentration and caused the balk. The Mets' dugout erupted as if it was the biggest run they had scored all year, telling you how invested they had become in winning during this era. It was Wakefield's only balk in 216 innings pitched in 1998.

Jones was awesome, as he didn't give up another hit after Troy O'Leary singled to lead off the 2nd. He was already over 100 pitches when he was sent back out for the 8th inning, and I thought for sure his day was done when he walked Darren Bragg during a 10-pitch AB with 2 outs, but he stayed in there and got Darren Lewis to ground out on 1 pitch to get out of it.

The lack of offense for the Mets could somewhat be blamed on a lineup missing Mike Piazza, who was plunked on the hand with a pitch by Pedro Martinez the previous game. They told a story on FOX that Piazza, while waiting to get x-rayed at the hospital, was signing autographs with his hurt hand for the kids there. It's stories like that that explain why it was so easy for us to fall in love with the guy.

I also just learned Wakefield passed away this past October from brain cancer. Very sad.

June 7, 1998 Fenway Park
Boston Red Sox 5, Mets 0

Tim Stahlman
November 15, 2010
This was my first trip to Fenway park. I felt like I stepped through a portal into the past. I remember seeing dripping pipes in the concourse and being amazed by the lack of modern aesthetics in the ball park. I loved it for that very reason. My steak hoagie that I bought was far better than the Mets' bats. They were as rusty as the stains on the bare concrete walls. Mo Vaughn took a ball opposite field over the monster. You could C-it-go. Bad night for the Mets. Nice night for baseball.

Dave VW
December 18, 2023

It's nice you had a good time despite the final outcome and dreary, drizzly weather, Tim.

Second straight game with no Mike Piazza, and a second straight game with hardly any offense for the Mets. The team is quite Jekyl and Hyde depending on his presence in the lineup. They even made Steve Avery, who started the year relegated to bullpen duty as he was clearly washed up at this point in his career, look like a Cy Young candidate, despite not being able to break 85 MPH on the radar gun. I'm also totally over seeing Jim Tatum and Rich Becker continue to eat up roster spots. Benny Agbayani, Jay Payton and Todd Haney were all tearing it up at AAA, so it was clearly time to inject some new blood into this stale roster.

The offense wasn't the only thing to stink on this night, as Masato Yoshii had his worst start as a Met so far. I'm not expecting things to improve from here, either. Though he held a 2.33 ERA over his first 9 starts, he'd then go winless over his next 14, with a 5.03 ERA.

Even the ESPN broadcast team of John Miller and Joe Morgan stunk. During the game, Miller noted how both teams still have players wearing #42 (Butch Huskey and Mo Vaughn), even though the number had been retired throughout baseball to honor Jackie Robinson. He also said that they were the only 2 players still wearing #42, which was WAY WAY off. Later in the game, he sort-of corrected himself by saying Lenny Webster of the Orioles was also still wearing the number, but I was like, I'm pretty sure there's another really noteworthy player still wearing number #42: Mariano Rivera! And by the way, there were still 3 others on top of that: Scott Karl on Milwaukee, Jose Lima on Houston and Michael Jackson on Cleveland. Worldwide leader in sports by butt.

June 11, 1999 Shea Stadium
Boston Red Sox 3, Mets 2

October 18, 2004
Tough loss, considering what was involved.

Brian Rose, who would come back to pitch horrendously for the Mets in 01, started for the Sox this night and stifled the Mets. Gave up 3 or 4 hits over 7 shutout innings, and then got lifted. Sox led 2-0 in the 9th when they brought in Tom Gordon, who immediately walked Olerud and then gave up an absolute BOMB to Piazza, who stood and watched it for a few seconds to tie the game.

The game went to the 12h Inning, where the Mets turned a nifty rundown play to nail Damon Buford at the plate on a slow grounder by Jose Offerman, but during the Rundown, Offerman went to 2nd, and sure enough, next batter John Valentin poked a single to left to score Offerman. Mets threatened with 2 walks in the bottom of the inning, but Ventura grounded out to end it...And oddly enough at that exact same moment the Knicks defeated the Pacers at MSG, a win that put them in the NBA Finals, and instead of a sullen murmur to end the game, there are raucous cheers and LET'S GO KNICKS chants as the stadium emptied out.

June 13, 1999 Shea Stadium
Mets 5, Boston Red Sox 4

jesse juristo
January 19, 2005
Of all the Met games I have been to, this was my favorite. I had the worst seats I have ever had, upper deck $10.00 seats. My brother and I didn't have a car so we had to take the LIRR and subway to get there. But this was my favorite. I'll never forget it. Benny Agbayani and Brian McRae with back-to-back homers. What a game. So why was it my favorite? It was the last game that I saw with my brother that summer, before he died. People ask me how I can love baseball. "It's so boring," they say. It's a game of moments. It's a game of memories, because I can remember every event of that day. If I could live a day in my life one more time, it would be that day.

Phil B.
June 11, 2007

This game sticks out in my mind because Bret Saberhagen was slated to start for Boston--and I was extremely happy to finally see Orel Hershiser pitching for the Mets...though he was clearly heading toward the end of his career.

Of course, Saberhagen didn't hold up his end of the bargain, having cut his hand at his Long Island home the night before.

The other funny part about this game was that I sat with my Aunt in the top row of the upper deck. It was about 95 degrees on the ground that day, but in the Upper Deck the wind was so bad-- and felt so cold--that she needed a bona fide winter jacket to make it through the game!

July 13, 2000 Fenway Park
Boston Red Sox 4, Mets 3

sox fan in Mass
July 16, 2006
Melvin Mora made crucial 9th inning error with two outs leading to 2 unearned runs in 9th for a Sox comeback win. Pedro Martinez started and went 7 left in a 2-2 tie.

September 6, 2006

This was the game that got Melvin Mora traded. In the bottom of the ninth inning with the Mets leading 3-2, Mora made a critical error that eventually lead to Benitez giving up two unearned runs. The Mets felt at the time that they could not compete with Mora's inadequate defense that was clearly exposed in this game and eventually would deal for the reliable, but unspectacular, Mike Bordick.

July 14, 2000 Fenway Park
Mets 6, Boston Red Sox 4

October 7, 2000
What a freakin' game!!! After waiting for the power to be turned on at old but beautiful Fenway Park for several hours, a bunch of friends and I that made the trek to Boston got what we came for...a Mets win!!! We sat two rows in front of the wall in the outfield bleachers which meant that we saw Rich Rodriguez warming up (OH NOOOOOO!!!) and we also had a perfect view of Mike Piazza's two shots that cleared the Green Monster and Melvin Mora's shot as well. Over all, the game was an experience that will never be forgotten by the ten of us that traveled for hours to watch our team, the New York Mets.

July 12, 2001 Shea Stadium
Mets 4, Boston Red Sox 2

November 14, 2001
What a game.Al Leiter is like a Babe Ruth out there.He almost hit two homers in the game.Leiter is going to hit a home run some day.I saw Alfonzo hit a home run.

July 13, 2001 Shea Stadium
Boston Red Sox 3, Mets 1

M Fuchs
July 18, 2001
I was sitting in the first row of the upper deck box...It was Italian night and they gave out posters of some Italian Mets. During the later part of the game when the Mets were losing 3-0 some fans in the upper deck by me folded their posters into paper airplanes and threw them off the upper deck to see how dar they can go. The furthest one hit the dugout. there was a pretty decent size crowd in the upper deck and we did the "wave" a couple of times. The moment of the game came in the 9th when Piazza hit home run was an amazing shot. After he hit the homer I saw many people throw their "airplanes" off the upper deck. My friends and I were cheering like crazy and we wanted a curtain call, sure enough Piazza came out and gave us one. Too bad the game ended 2 mins later witha Mets loss. And then the super fun part-waiting 45 mins to get out of the Shea parking lot!!!

July 14, 2001 Shea Stadium
Mets 2, Boston Red Sox 0

March 18, 2002
Fantastic game. There were about 53,000 people at the game, the most at a game I had been to since the playoffs in 2000. Four years after interleague play started, I finally went to an interleague game. I went with a friend who was a Yankees fan so we would both have a reason to root for the Mets.

We sat next to some hillarious Red Sox fans that were quite knowledgeable. They bet me $50 against me throwing my Mets hat off the upper deck that the Red Sox would win (needless to say, I couldn't take the bet in good conscience -- the hat is too valuable!)

In retrospect, I really should've taken the bet. Rusch pitched a fantastic game, in which the only hit was one of the infield variety in the first inning. The game really got the Mets rolling and was the first of a five-game winning streak.

Bob P
September 9, 2004

As Glenn mentioned in March of 2002, this may have been Glendon Rusch's best game as a Met. he pitched eight innings, striking out ten, and allowing only one hit. The hit was a bunt single by Trot Nixon with two outs in the top of the first inning when Rusch couldn't get over to first base in time to take the throw from first baseman Lenny Harris.

Mark Johnson drove in both Mets runs, the first with his third home run of the year. The win gave Bobby Valentine his 1,000th career victory.

P Gola
May 28, 2010

If I remember correctly, an overcast day at Shea. Rusch pitched a great game. I believe this series was the first Red Sox visit to Shea since the '86 series.

Shickhaus Franks
August 9, 2010

A correction for P. Gola: The Red Sox Nation paid visits to Shea for series in 1997 and '99. Also they played a charity exhibition game in 1987 (the season after the '86 Series). I remember a sign in the stands that said "Thank You, Bill (Buckner)" during the '87 game.

June 28, 2006 Fenway Park
Boston Red Sox 10, Mets 2

john t greenpoint
June 29, 2006
Let me start by saying this one thing! I do not want to face this team in the World Series. I would rather take my chances with the evil empire! With that said, what happened to poor Pedro tonight? Just didnt have any movement on his pitches and gives up 8 runs in this one and Mets get BOMBED 10-2! Second night in a row Mets starting pitching has given up 8 runs. I hope Tom Glavine fares better in the series finale.

June 29, 2006 Fenway Park
Boston Red Sox 4, Mets 2

May 22, 2009
I was at this game. Carlos Beltran hit a 2-run HR to center field and, oh ya, we were rooting for Boston! How about David Ortiz in that game? WOOOO! That was my first ever baseball game and the Mets played a very good game, but the better team won!

May 23, 2009 Fenway Park
Mets 3, Boston Red Sox 2

The Big H
May 26, 2009
What a great game. The video tape replay changed the outcome, correctly, for the Mets when Omir Santos, the catcher, hit a ninth-inning 2-out lead-reversing home run just over the Green Monster in Fenway. In the bottom of the ninth with Francisco Rodriguez unavailable, JJ Putz pitched the ninth. Every hitter besides the one he walked smashed the ball hard, and the Mets somehow converted them to outs, including great plays by Wright, Castillo and an excellent play by the shortstop Ramon Martinez to end the game. To quote Gary Cohen after two were out, "Putz isn't fooling anyone (hitter) tonight. He has to just not fool one more hitter."

May 26, 2009

Well, to me it was one of the best games in 2009 for the Mets. Josh Beckett of the Red Sox looked strong, our pitcher Mike Pelfrey looked decent I have to say. He pitched a better game than his last outing which was a "disaster of balks", but at least he kept the Mets in the game. The Mets blew some chances of scoring and going ahead during the game. Oh well.

The Mets losing 2-1 in the top of ninth, when the Red Sox brought in their closer Jonathan Papelbon I was saying, "The Mets need a miracle to slap this psycho around in the ninth." Hahaha boy they did. Sheffield leads off with a walk and then Omir Santos with a 2-run homer over the green monster. Obviously anybody can see that Santo's shot was clearly a home run, I don't know why the umpires (knowing it was outta here) were stupid enough to review the damn tape. After the call was made I jumped out of my chair excited going nuts!

And the bottom of the ninth was spectacular, Mets defense was AMAZIN to end the game once and for all.

GREAT COME FROM BEHIND WIN! It was 1986 all over again!

May 26, 2009

Wow what a win!! Did not think the Mets had a chance against Papelbon in the 9th. Santos with a huge home run wins the series for the Mets. Wright, Castillo and Martinez with game saving plays in the bottom of the ninth was great to see. Let's not forget Pelfrey's strong outing that gave the Mets a chance in the 9th.

September 30, 2015

It was my first time at Fenway - a Mets fan in Sox territory! I was sitting on the green monster for the home run - a security guy let me sneak up for the 8th and 9th inning. When Santos hit that home run I WAS GOING NUTS!! Everyone else was so angry around me saying it wasn't a home run. When the umpires looked at the feed and declared it a home run I couldn't contain myself. I was so happy. I'm surprised I survived leaving that game - although while we were leaving at the end EVERYONE started a "Yankees suck" chant, which really riled everyone up!! SO GOOD SO GOOD SO GOOD haha

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