Jesse Gonder
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Jesse Gonder

Jesse Gonder
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 185 of 1259 players
Jesse Lemar Gonder
Born: January 20, 1936 at Monticello, Ark.
Died: November 14, 2004 at Oakland, Cal. Obituary
Throws: Right Bats: Left
Height: 6.05 Weight: 200

Jesse Gonder was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on November 18, 2004, November 19, 2011, October 26, 2012, July 21, 2018, September 21, 2018, August 31, 2019, January 20, 2022, and April 3, 2022.


First Mets game: July 6, 1963
Last Mets game: July 17, 1965

Share your memories of Jesse Gonder


October 3, 2001
Who could forget Jessie Gonder? Although his career with the Mets was way too short, his achievements will always be remembered. I still get goosebumps visualizing Jessie trotting around the bases after another majestic home run. My friends and I used to say "That's a Gonder" (a phrase stolen and modified by Howie Rose many years later) whenever Jessie connected. He was a true Met in every sense of the word.

October 4, 2001
Jesse's only problem as a catcher was being able to catch the ball. I never saw so many passed balls. Choo Choo Coleman was a better catcher.

July 29, 2002
My most fond memory of Jesse Gonder was a towering home run he hit into the third row of the upper deck at the Polo Grounds in 1963. What was especially significant about this home run was that it landed underneath my seat. Me being only nine years old at the time, I could not react quickly enough, and someone else grabbed the ball, but nearly forty years have passed, and I've never gotten closer to one since!

February 3, 2003
One of the best banners at the Polo Grounds: UP YONDER WITH GONDER

Feat Fan
January 11, 2004
Gonder was one of a gazillion players who played for both the METS and YANKEES. I fondly remember him and equate him with the noteworthy Larry Elliots, Danny Napoleons, Gary Krolls, Bobby Klausses of his time.

He could hit a bit topping .300 in PT duty and .270 as a regular... I remember him as a PIRATE in '66. The lineup had a bunch of .300 hitters and he backed up a fading Paglioroni and hit 7 homers in 160 at bats. Stat-O-Matic turned him into a HOMERUN machine and during one of our "leagues" he was drafted by one of the guys and went on to hit 41 dingers!

Boy, the things you remember!

October 23, 2004
I had the pleasure of meeting Jesse Gonder recently and was honored to be his nurse. He is so very kind and appreciative. What a great man he still is. God Bless him.

Bob Schwartz
September 24, 2005
Jesse Gonder did have some power, but he was as slow as molasses. In the Jim Bunning perfect game (Father's Day, 1964), Jesse hit a ball up the middle that ought to have been a hit, and it probably would have been a hit if anyone else had hit it. Instead, Phillies second baseman Tony Taylor dove for the ball and made a backhand stop, then was still able to turn around and throw Jesse out at first base. If anyone other than Jesse Gonder had hit that ball, Bunning would not have had his perfect game.

November 10, 2012
I have always enjoyed watching these all hit no field types prior to the DH coming into baseball. Teams like the Mets in the 1960's and 1970's were so hard up for talent guys like Gonder, Dave Kingman, Chuck Hiller and Joe Christopher had to be forced into the lineup in order to score runs. When a player has the hands of a blue claw crab but a nice swing of the bat some very entertaining baseball can result.

September 25, 2015
Bruce, you are correct that Johnny Stephenson made the last out in Jim Bunning's perfect game, but it was as a pinch-hitter.

As this site shows, Gonder was with the Mets from mid- 1963 through mid-1965.

Robert DiSilvestro
June 15, 2020
Not a bad hitter, but awful at stopping pitches. For the 1964 Mets, despite only starting 82 games, he led the NL in passed balls. He also had 32 wild pitches while he was catching (maybe not all all his fault, but doesn't sound like he saved too many WPs). On the other hand, he threw out 43% of the runners who tried to steal on him.

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