Share your memories of Charley Smith
Richard Kissel
March 30, 2001
Now, I haven't looked at the stats in a long long time but I seem to remember that Charley Smith hit 19 home runs for the Mets one year--or something like that. His most famous event was being traded from the Cardinals for Roger Maris before the 1967 season. Maris helped the Cards win the World Series in 1967 and the National League Championship in 1968.
January 10, 2002
He wasn't that bad a player..He just struck out too much
April 24, 2002
I remember a game in late '65, I was 8, I think he broke his leg. Everyone was waving handkerchiefs.
shelley bravin
May 26, 2002
I became a Mets fan in 1964 and picked Smith as my favorite Met (because he wore # 1 and hit home runs). I remember once during pre-game he got hit by a ball on the field and was carried off. I cried hysterically when the Mets traded him.
John Sabljic
August 4, 2002
The very first baseball card in the very first pack I ever bought was Charley Smith's 1965 Mets card. I was 9 years old. To this day I remember his home runs (20) and average (.239). Every once in a while, I'll think about him - sort of like 'Rosebud' in Citizen Kane. Wonder what Charley's doing right now?
Feat Fan
February 27, 2004
Charley Smith pelted 20 home runs in 1964, the most ever hit by a Met third baseman in a single season until HoJo, Ventura and Alfonzo arrived.I remember watching a game on WOR Ch 9 when Smith cranked a homer. The PA blared a terrible version of the song "Happy Days Are Here Again" as Smith jogged around the bases. Yet another former Met that died young. Seemed like a good guy just happy to be a ballplayer.
Feat Fan
June 9, 2004
Charley Smith died at age 57 following complications after knee surgery.
Gary Ramsey
February 24, 2006
The first game I ever attended Charley Smith hit 2 home runs vs. the mighty Pirates and Dennis Ribant threw a shutout: Mets 5, Pirates 0. I was 10 and never forgot it.
Bob P
July 21, 2007
Gary Ramsey, if you are still reading this website, that game was on Monday, August 17, 1964. Charley helped Dennis Ribant pick up his first major league win.
Lee Dixon
October 9, 2017
Charley was my cousin. He and his brothers Arnie,
Tommy, and Russell all loved baseball from childhood.
Arnie also played professional baseball for a while.
They were all local baseball stars in high school.
After retiring Charlie worked for the town of Sparks,
Nevada as the athletic director until his passing in
1994 from a blood clot following knee surgery.
Today I had the sad duty of attending a memorial
service for his brother Tommy, who passed away July 5,
Charley was not the best baseball player, but he was
one of the best men who ever played baseball.
Rich Morgan
January 3, 2022
He was traded for 2 stars once for Ken Boyer and once for Roger Maris. From looking at his MLB record-he seemed to have been traded after just about every season he played. I wonder why that was?
Bob Riedel
December 10, 2024
Charley lived in my courtyard in Glen Oaks, Queens in 1964. I remember there was a sea of us kids trying to get his autograph one afternoon and he went back inside before I could get mine.