Dallas Green
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Dallas Green

Dallas Green
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 238 of 1259 players
George Dallas Green
Born: August 4, 1934 at Newport, Del.
Died: March 22, 2017 at Philadelphia, Pa. Obituary
Throws: Right Bats: Left
Height: 6.05 Weight: 210

Dallas Green has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 11 times, most recently on June 16, 2020.

Non-playing roles with Mets
  • Manager 1993 - 1996

First Mets game: July 23, 1966
Last Mets game: August 4, 1966

Share your memories of Dallas Green


Won Doney
January 8, 2001
It's funny how he was a better pitcher than manager, even with an ERA above 5.

March 20, 2001
Good Lord, but he was one of the worst tactical managers I've ever seen. I remember telling people I would throw a party the day Dallas Green was fired.

Anthony J Reccoppa
March 29, 2001
Just an old fool, who was burnt out from failing in New York with a lowly Yankee team. I know the Mets were in a tough spot because Torborg was so bad, but after 1993, Dallas should have been sent to pasture. This team floundered for 3 more useless seasons before getting smart. Bobby V. with all his faults is still 100% better than this guy.

Mr. Sparkle
April 12, 2001
Maybe I'm crazy but I liked him as a manager. He basically didn't put up with anyone's s###. It wasn't his fault that they were lousy in the mid 90's. Only thing I didn't like was that if he didn't like you, you were buried. He never really liked giving a guy a second chance.

Coach HoJo 20
June 1, 2001
Dallas had some young guns on his team, which he failed to utilize. Although Dallas sucked I wouild rather have him than Jeff Torborg.

July 12, 2001
...I don't buy all this stuff about ruining the likes of Pulsipher, Wilson, Isringhausen & Burnitz; he didn't injure them & most are still around with some doing pretty well. For all the Dallas bashers let me remind them who developed/dealt for then managed the 1980 WS champion Phils; he almost pulled it off again with the '84 Cubs. Leon Durham's boot in their playoff against the Pads was as big if not bigger than BillyBucks. Dallas has been a winner ever since his high school & college days in Delaware & for my money he's been to the show & done OK!

David Mo
July 17, 2001
Whatever else you say about him, remember his vital contribution to the '86 World Champs. It was Green, as GM of the Cubs, who dealt Bill Buckner to the Boston Red Sox.

Mr. Sparkle
August 15, 2001
Dallas is currently trying to run Scott Rolen out of Philly. I hope he's successful. Despite a sub par year I'd live to see Rolen at 3rd for the Mets next year. Dallas has always had a habit of riding a guy until they dump him. He did that to several guys on the Mets. At the time I liked his no BS attitude but looking back I think the guy was a nut job.

September 16, 2001
Dallas Green ranks as the worst mananger ever. He had no patience with the Mets' young prospects, and couldn't keep their veterans in control, either. Thankfully Bobby Valentine rescued this franchise.

October 2, 2001
How Can you not LIKE Dallas Green. Here is a man who drank a 6-pack of Schlitz after every game. He was perfect for the Mets. It was just like having Archie Bunker managing the Mets

Johnny Met
July 2, 2002
After batting practice in May 1985, about four of us were hanging around the row of seats behind the dugout. The stands were empty. Dallas Green was the last one off the field. He walked over with a handful of balls and rolled a ball on the top of the dugout to each one of us. Say what you will about Mr. Green; I have a Met souvenir thanks to him.

September 28, 2002
I think Dallas was below aveage for the Mets. He never waanted to take any sort of accountability for the fate of the team. He basked in the glory when the Mets had the best record in baseball over the second half of the '95 season. Yet he assumed none of the blame for the disaterous 1996 season. Ever wonder how BV won 88 games in '97 will basically the same team?

Ken Morrison
October 13, 2003
I'm sure this story appears under "P" for "Piersall", too, but Dallas Green gave up Jimmy's 100th MLB homer, in honor of which Jimmy ran the bases backwards. Here in Chicago, managing and GM-ing, Dallas always (THOUGHT he) knew everything. I always reveled in the knowledge that at least somebody, sometime, had shown him up, big-time. (And of course with Piersall on the radio in Chicago, the incident was occasionally re-lived.)

Jonathan Stern
May 22, 2004
It is difficult to defend Dallas too much given his record and longevity with the Mets. However, though the negative comments are mostly justified, I think Dallas's Mets tenure is a little misunderstood.

There was no way he or anyone else could have turned around the 1993 Mets. They were too screwed up as a team and organization. But after the Mets were roasted by comedians and wags all throughout 1993, the laughter stopped in 1994. The Mets were young and hungry and they played respectable ball until the strike. Dallas psyched out certain young players, but it's possible that some of them did not have much to recommend them anyway. Remember that most of the above comments pertaining to Burnitz were made BEFORE his second tour of duty with the Mets. We all know how that went.

In 1995, Dallas did not have the benefit of a full Spring training. Again, it was a young team. But they played very well down the stretch and gave us fans reasons to think that the future was bright. With Hootie blasting in the clubhouse, the team had chemistry and enthusiasm. Certain players, particularly Brogna, Franco, and Hundley, clearly enjoyed playing for their manager. Even Brett Butler found several things to praise about Green.

But in 1996, it all fell apart. To what extent Dallas was to blame for the Generation K debacle is difficult to say for sure. Could rampant steroid use thoughout the league also have been a factor? It was over, and Bobby took the team to the next level. Nonetheless, I remember the Dallas Green era as one of hustle and intensity with the laughter having been silenced... and the losing continuing for the most part.

Since no one is likely to publish "The Wit and Wisdom of Dallas Green" anytime soon, here are some of the best "bon mots" from the Mets' greatest quotemeister since Casey Stengel recycled with some accuracy from my memory banks:

On his team's performance: "Well, we had a Mets day."

On his day-job: "There are days when I feel sorry for myself."

On Anthony Young: "Why did he go to his slider? Maybe Jay Leno told him to do it so he can get him back onto his show."

On how he handled losing: "I just go home and beat the hell out of my wife, Sylvia." As if Dallas and the Mets did not have enough to agonize over in 1993, the Women's Rights activists came after him for this. I wonder why...

Asked by Jonathan (not me!) of DynaMets what the hardest thing about managing is, his response: Well, Jonathan... watching my team lose, and we've been doing a lot of that." Jenny Jiles, where are you?

The following four comments taken from the Gannett Suburban and New York Times newspapers, 9/21/93:

On losing 100 games: "Well, we did it in style."

"It's pretty obvious that we earned it. We didn't back into 100. We came right at it."

On rebuilding: "One if these days, you guys (the reporters) are going to ask me about our needs. And it's a long list. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know we need a lot."

On his most lasting image of 1993: "The incessant press conferences resulting from off the field and clubhouse activity."

And if you really want to laugh, read Bill Conlin's collection of writings for transcriptions of Dallas's press conferences and speeches .

June 23, 2004
The man was incredible...they brought him in as manager in 1993 to restore order and the players instead tossed firecrackers at kids and squirted bleach at reporters!

He reminded me of some of the typical "captains" in TV cop shows, where the detective hero is one of these renegade types who is always in conflict with his supervisor. In between the car chases and interrogations, the detective and supervisor have a big argument over the detective's handling of the case or beating a witness or wrecking his car. Then the detective goes out and brings in the killer anyway, earning the supervisor's grudging admiration.

Dallas Green seemed as ineffectual, pompous, and loudmouthed as those captains. However, the 1993 Mets weren't bringing in the bad guys, either. He did a little better with the 1994 and 1995 editions, but he wrecked those "Generation K" arms.

And when he challenged Jeromy Burnitz, Burnitz took up the challenge. So Green hid in his office with the door closed. That made Green look like a fraud to his players. The age of ruling a team by tyranny died with the reserve clause.

Not my favorite Met manager.

June 28, 2004

His name alone triggers awful memories.

First of all, his habit of criticizing players in the press was deplorable.

Second, his hiring was a sign of how out of touch the Wilpon/Doubleday leadership had become -- let's hire someone from the Dagwood Bumstead era to manage our up- and-coming youngsters.

Oh, and our young black and Latino talent will love playing for a 120 year old white guy from the dead ball era.

rich morgan
January 11, 2011
The hearts of all Mets fans and everyone in America go out to the Green family after the senseless loss of their 9-year-old granddaughter in the madness of Saturday January 8th, a sad day for our country and the world.

50 year fan
August 11, 2015
He was just cashing a check. The only team he has ever cared about is the Phillies. He still works for them. He was working for the Phillies while he supposedly managed the Mets. He is a Delaware Phillie. Has always been closely connected to the ownership group that was part of the Dupont family there.

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