Steve Trachsel
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Steve Trachsel

Steve Trachsel
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 141 of 1259 players
Stephen Christopher Trachsel
Born: October 31, 1970 at Oxnard, Cal.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.04 Weight: 205

Steve Trachsel was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on February 15, 2007, May 7, 2015, February 19, 2019, March 14, 2019, August 31, 2019, June 22, 2022, and October 31, 2022.


First Mets game: April 7, 2001
Last Mets game: October 14, 2006

Share your memories of Steve Trachsel


Coach HoJo 20
May 18, 2001
4 home runs in one inning. Simply beautiful.

In San Diego right now an ex Met who will go nameless is sporting a 2.38 ERA. But who needs that we have the 4 homer wonder STEVE FN' TRASHsel!!

This guy is as bad as Anthony Young, But at least people felt bad for AY. TRASHsel on the other hand is universally hated by Met fans, even more hated than Mel Rojas!!

Mr. Sparkle
May 29, 2001
Bad news, Steve just threw a no hitter in the minors. It was only 7 innings but still, it means he'll probably be back soon acting like the Mets version of Eddie Lee Whitson. May God help us!!!!

June 11, 2001
Please refrain from comparing Mr. Trachsel to Anthony Young. Despite his horrible string of luck, Mr. Young was a rather good pitcher. Ignore his won- lost record and look at the pertinent statistic, Mr. Young's ERA. In 1993 (the year which tested Mr. Young's character and found him to be a decent man in every respect) he went 1-16 with an ERA of 3.77! This was not a reflection on Anthony Young as much as it was a reflection on how truly horrible our 1993 Mets were.

As for Mr. Trachsel, he's laid to rest all the debate about whether his past record was an accurate reflection of his ability. Then again, our 2001 NL Champion Mets aren't exactly dazzling us....yet. (Ya' Gotta Believe!!)

Won Doney
July 23, 2001
I really don't care what everyone else thinks. I like Steve Trachsel even though he hasn't been the greatest pitcher in the world. I honestly think he can only improve. 4-10 is a big improvement from 1-8 or whatever it was before he won his second game.

Mr. Sparkle
August 8, 2001
Call me nuts but Tracshel has been awesome lately. I don't know if the spirit of Tom Seaver has taken over his body but Steve's been damn good. I can't beleive I'm saying this but for the last 6 starts or so he's done better than I think he's ever been. Maybe he'll be OK next year. Naaah.

May 20, 2002
I was not happy when we got him, I was thrilled when they sent him down to the minors last year, but even though he has pitched rather decent the last half of 2001 and so far in 2002, the time he takes in between pitches drives me insane. He turns a 3-hour ball game into an odyssey. I hope when there is someone better out there we get rid of him. He's too painful to watch even when he's pitching OK.

Joe Figliola
August 19, 2002
He makes a remark in the paper that he doesn't care how slow he pitches, so long as he gets the concentration he needs to pitch the ball. Well, Stevie boy, your pitching philosophy isn't exactly getting you a plaque at Cooperstown, is it? Perhaps this is why you've been a big loser throughout your big-league career.

After the 18 August game against the Dodgers, I have decided I will never, ever score a game where Trachsel is starting for the Mets (except when I go to Shea) again.

Instead of chanting "throw the ball," Met fans should have chanted "THROW HIM OUT!"

Mr. Sparkle
September 5, 2002
I never thought I'd say this but I think the Mets should bring Trachsel back next year. Take away the first part of last year where I abssolutely hated the guy, he's been pretty good. A little inconsistent to start this year but has been very good the last 3 months or so. Personally the slow pitching thing is not to big a deal for me. If the Mets can't find another Astascio or if Aaron Heilman isn't ready yet I would say hold onto Steve. Give him some run support and he will win.

Joe Figliola
March 5, 2003
Henceforth, I will not score any games where Steve Trachsel is the starting pitcher on television or radio. The only time this loser will ever get his name on one of my scoresheets is when I attend games at Shea (or some park on the road) or in the post-season.

I am going to make a guarantee. I will guarantee that MR. LOSER will once again be sub-.500 this year, proving once again that there are some ballplayers out there that would rather have the money than the ring.

I will also guarantee that if David Cone makes the club, Coney WILL WIN MORE GAMES and HAVE A BETTER THAN .500 record than Trachsel. Cone is a warrior; a man among men. Trachsel is gutless.

I reiterate: This man does not care about winning; just his big, fat paycheck. Now watch, the son-of-a-gun goes 16 and 9, pitches the first no-hitter in Mets history, wins two games against the hated Yankees in the World Series and wins the Series MVP award. Only in baseball...

March 8, 2003
Joe Figiola has hit the nail on the head. Steve Trachsel is a career loser. He even thinks "geting his record back to .500" is some sort of accomplishment.

He, maybe more than any other player, is the best example of why the Mets have NO CHANCE of seeing postseason this year.

This guy is a known quantity, and it is a lousy one. His 3+ hour starts make the games unenjoyable for both the fans and his teammates.

You gotta do in life whatever it is you do best, and Trachsel does---- HE LOSES!!!!

March 10, 2003
It still kills me that the Mets run to give this lack- luster no talent loser the big bucks but let a solid team player like Fonzie walk out the door without even a half-hearted attempt to keep him. I just don't get it.

Etch 35
March 10, 2003
1. Steve is not the greatest pitcher in Mets history, that much is true. But give him credit for being a solid, back end starter. He's done pretty well over the past 2 years on some pretty bad Mets teams. He shouldn't be expected to win much more than 10 games a year. And he dosen't. But he keeps the team in a position to win in the vast majority of his starts.

2. He just wants to collect a pay check? All of a sudden Steve Traschel is the only greedy ball player out there. Name me one guy on the roster from Piazza to McEwing that would play for free. All of these guys want to stretch management for all the dollars they can get. That's just the way it is.

3. If he's so bad, who else should they get? Many pitchers have cycled through here recently. Guys like Estes, D'amico, 2 Bobby Jones', Mike Hampton, John Thompson, Yoshii, Kenny Rogers, etc. Some were more talented than Steve...some not. But they didn't, and in most cases, couldn't last in New York. One of the Jones' was good, Hampton was greedy, Yosh was okay...but the rest folded under the pressure of the Big Apple.

Steve has hit rock bottom and fought his way back. He's boring and unspectacular, but give him his due. He does his job plain and simple.

Gregory Gewirtz
April 2, 2003
Trax is a middling mediocrity, and is not worth his salary, IMO. We are paying him as if his 2002 season is his usual season, and he's pitched long enough in the majors to have a track record that shows him to be a roughly .500 pitcher with an ERA well into the 4's.

But comparing him to Grampa Cone is an insult. I'm irate every time I think that we're wasting time on Cone.

April 19, 2003
I know everyone feels he was one of the Mets better pitchers last year, however no one seems to realize the effect that his slow-poke style of pitching has on the team when they are in the field, when a runner gets on (and that's often) he slows the game down to a snails pace and the defense goes to sleep, they get bored, and they totally lose their focus, opening the door for errors (and they don't need extra help in that department) so even if he makes quality pitches he ends up getting a no-decision or a loss. The guy is just a loser.

Joe Figliola
May 15, 2003
Usually, when I score Met games, I'll score the first game of a series against an opponent. I was looking forward to scoring Monday's game against the Rockies; unfortunately, Trachsel was on the mound.

Rather than sell out, I stood ground on my previous statement about not scoring TV/radio games with this guy on the mound. The Mets go on to win the game, with Trachsel getting the win.

Because he pitched, I had no choice but to score the Tuesday game against the Rockies; in which Art Howe's inability to properly use his bullpen resulted in the 9-8 embarrassment that many Met fans watched/listened and I scored.

The moral of this story? You just can't win when Steve Trachsel is involved.

June 18, 2003
I don't know why I have such a hard time rooting for Tracshel. Theres just something about him that bothers me. He dd show some personality on the post game show in Annaheim so I was able to like him a little better, but I just can't put my finger on what it is-whether he's just not a true Met, or that he has such a sad-sack loser expression on his face. I just don't know. even though he's been pitching really well the last year and a half I just have a hard time liking him.

Joe Figliola
June 19, 2003
Let's get one thing straight. We MET FANS have the right to criticize who we want. No one I know likes Trachsel, yet it seems that the more the fans dislike him, the better he pitches. I guess we know what we're doing. In Steve's case, reverse psychology seems to be helping.

It's like what I said in the beginning... he'll likely win 16 games and pitch the first no-hitter in Mets history. And you know what? He damn well came pretty close.

My personal problem is his competitiveness. He just doesn't seem to care about winning, that's all.

Bob P
September 3, 2003
A couple of months ago, "LenDog" wrote in the Bobby Bonilla section that Bobby Bo was the "most reviled" Met ever. Having spent a lot of time reading and posting on this website, I would respectfully disagree. I think that "honor" belongs to Steve Trachsel. One would think from some of the comments above that Trachsel couldn't make my high school team.

I have spent 42 of my 49 years on this earth as a Met fan, so I have seen a lot of them come and go. Steve Trachsel is far from my favorite pitcher. I don't know him, and I've never met him. He wouldn't make my top 100 list of favorite Mets of all time. Maybe not even my top 500. But you know what? I'm not writing this with my heart. I'm writing this based on his numbers as a New York Met.

Trachsel--a man criticized as a loser--is now 34-31 as a Met. That's a winning percentage of .523 over the last three seasons as of today. By the way, the Mets are playing at a "stunning" clip of 211-235 over that time frame for a winning percentage of .473. Al Leiter, who has yet to be called a loser in this forum, has a record of 36-30—very similar to Trachsel-- over the same period.

Trachsel's ERA as of today is 4.20. The Mets are averaging 5.02 runs allowed per game. Last season, Trachsel had an ERA of 3.37. The NL's cumulative ERA was 3.91.

Coming into this season, his career ERA was 4.31, while the league’s ERA was 4.35.

In six years as a regular member of the Cubs’ rotation (1994-1999) he was 60-67 for a winning percentage of .472. Over those six years the Cubs had a winning percentage of .466.

Mr. Sparkle
January 5, 2004
I blasted this guy as bad as anyone at the beginning but he staged the most amazing turn around I have ever seen and has been their best pitcher since he came back from the minors in 2001. He is not at all spectacular or exciting and he pitches slow but he gets results. If it weren't for his occasional shelling, he would have an ERA close to 3.00. He's steady and is a good guy to have in the rotation. Just because you hated him once is no reason to continue to hate the guy. He's a good Met.

Joe Figliola
January 8, 2004
Before we turn Steve Trachsel into Tom Seaver, let's see what he does for an encore. He's entering the final year of his contract, so there are a couple of options: He can have another lucky, I mean, decent year; he can have another lucky, I mean, decent year and get traded for guys who are hungry to win championships; he can get injured, which would allow a young prospect to show his competitiveness; or he can revert back to being the LOSER we know and love.

And, by the way, I will stick by my ban not to score any games this selfish jackass pitches in '04 (except when I go to the ballpark, of course). So before everyone starts kissing up to Mr. "I'm only in it for the money," let's see what he does on the mound.

Bob P
January 25, 2004
Joe, I don't think anyone is trying to turn him into Seaver. That would take a lot more than a couple of middling years. I don't see anyone kissing up to him, we're just saying that he has put up some pretty decent numbers the last couple of years. I think almost everyone would agree.

You are certainly entitled not to score his games, and I don’t blame you--when he pitches I’m usually asleep by the fourth inning!! You’re also entitled to dislike him the way I dislike Dave Kingman, Rick Cerone, and Mickey Lolich, to name three former Mets.

If you read my September 3 post again, I have no special place in my heart for Trachsel like I do for Agee, Cleon, Seaver, Koosman, Hernandez, Carter, and the other great names in Mets history. I’m just presenting the facts. And the facts say Trachsel has been good--not great--since his trip to the minors in 2001. That’s a pretty long stretch to be lucky.

February 5, 2004
Ok, ok, enough with the bashing...the man went 16-10 and finished the season with an ERA of 3.78 to lead all Met pitchers in both categories. Take into consideration that he had gone to the All-Star break with a 4-6 record with an ERA of +5.00. And keep in mind that he has consistently played at least 30 games in every season he has been with the team. To compare Leiter to Trachsel is absurd and unfair to both pitchers. It is true that he does not express his emotions to the extent that Leiter does, but I do not believe that Tracks is any less committed to winning than Leiter is. And if he wasn't committed to winning games, he would not post such killer stats. I don't know if you are reading this, but if you are Steve...Thanks

Joe Figliola
August 6, 2004
Okay, it's the All-Star break; let's analyze "Mr. Loser's" performance.

Actually, he hasn't pitched too bad. I'll admit that he has picked it up a bit. Perhaps he's been reading all the nasty e-mails people like myself have written. With the Mets in the race combined with his 9-6 mark, I doubt sincerely that he'll be moved unless he's packaged in some blockbuster deal for some aging superstar.

However, there have been lapses. There was the game against the Braves in early April where he blew a 6-0 lead after signing his big two-year extension. Way to take the money and run in that one, Stevie boy! There also was a game against Pittsburgh (also in April) where he lost because he gave up a home run to a number eight batter. And, of course, there was the Yankee game where they hit three or four bombs off him. Stevie said after the game that he pitched well. If that was his best then don't bother showing us Mets fans your worst! We have a division to win!

I'll give him a B minus for the first half. Let's hope he can duplcate what wa a pretty good first half.

Although he is pitching relatively well, my refusal to score Trachsel games off the TV/radio remains in effect. I only scored two games with him: the aforementioned Pirates game at Shea and the game against the Reds where he appeared as a pinch hitter. Of course, the Mets lost both games, allowing Steve to retain his "Mr. Loser" moniker.

Joe Figliola
November 16, 2004
I try to give this man a break, but the second half of the year shows he clearly retained his title of "Mr. Loser." The amazing thing about his post-All-Star break collapse (I think he lost something like nine of twelve decisions) is that he still led the team in wins.

Steve Trachsel is like trying to untie the Gordian Knot... you just can't figure him out.

Jonathan Stern
January 10, 2005
Trachsel was destined to be a Met the day he gave Mark McGwire's record-setting 62nd home run in 1998. Remember that Tracy Stallard, the man who served up Roger Maris's #61, also went on to pitch for the Mets. Is Chan Ho Park (Bonds #71 and #72) in our future?

Most of the above comments re Trachsel are harsh. I disagree with those who say he's only in it for the money. We're talking about a veteran who accepted demotion to the minors (are you listening, Mr. Burnitz?) then came back better than ever. And even though he shows little intensity on the mound - and nothing can top the chants of "Throw the ball! Throw the ball!" - I'm not ready to compare him to Kevin McReynolds just yet. If this is the way he needs to pitch in order to be effective, fine enough. You can do a lot worse than having this guy as your number 3 or 4. I'm willing to root for him, even if I don't always have the time for it!

January 11, 2005
He's not the best, but no one should expect him to be. He's been more consistant than any other starter we've had since he came back from Norfolk in 2001. I trust him a lot more than I trust Glavine, plus Trachsel's making a lot less, and always gives us a chance to win.

December 11, 2005
This guy has been a real workhorse -- the George Stone of the 2000s.

What class he showed by taking a demotion to the minors to work on his stuff. He has been outstanding since his return.

Joe Figliola
June 21, 2006
Oh, so now I'm supposed to be impressed and all nicey nice to him because he hit a home run? Give me a break. Knowing the reputation that he has for taking the easy way out, the loser probably doctored his bat.

This year, he has not been impressive. The only reason why he has a winning record is because the Mets' lineup is scoring a spitload of runs for him, and every Mets fan I have discussed this with knows it. And he STILL has yet to win a game when I see him pitch at Shea (oh-for-two this year; although the second game against the Giants wound up being a no- decision)!

October 15, 2006
Good riddance. This guy had the audacity to claim because he won 15 games in the 2006 regular season he was worthy of being a post season starter, 15 games with run support up the ying yang and an ERA that was just under 5! Steve was a waste of time, never came up big when it counted. A choke and a joke.

Dan Braga
October 22, 2006
Six years as a New York Met and Steve Traschel will always be remembered for being gutless. When your team needs you most, you pull yourself out of a NLCS playoff game? I would expect more from a High School pitcher. His team's bullpen was overtaxed. I don't care how his thigh was feeling, the Mets needed a solid performance, and he let his team down!

Joe Figliola
October 25, 2006
It's nice how everyone has come around to my way of thinking when it comes to the efforts of this tube of toothpaste. Only Epstein's written excuses to Mr. Kotter on why he was late or didn't do his homework exceeded the alibis this mozzarella head offered.

My favorite Trachsel season was 2005 when he got hurt and out until August. And when he returned, he pitched that two-hitter; then the Mets lost something like 14 out of 16 with him. He reminded me of the character Schleprock from the "Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm" cartoon show. Whenever Steve Schleprock showed up, something icky happens.

November 24, 2006
The slowest working pitcher I've ever seen, especially with a runner on first. The only Met pitcher I've ever seen get booed for being too slow. I watched a game he pitched in 2002 where Edgardo Alfonzo and others in the infield were used by the announcers to illustrate how Trachsel caused fielding lapses in the infield by being too slow and lulling his teammates to sleep out there. I particularly remember Alfonzo's frustrated facial expression.

At best Trachsel was an end of the rotation guy who could eat up innings. At worst he was just frustrating.

With all that said I don't think the criticisim lobbed at him for 2006 was fair. He was returning from a slipped disc in his back which is a difficult injury to recover from. Even if you have the surgery it's a crapshoot you'll recover. His homelife also imploded during the season which would impair anyone's work performance at any job without the public humiliation on top of it. Questioning his makeup is over the line regardless of his salary. I believe that he did the best that he could under the circumstances. His career and marriage are over. I wish him well and hope that his life can have meaning again.

December 6, 2006
I was a Trach-can mark up until the end. I swore by him, I defended him, but in the end he let all of us down. While watching his performance in the NLCS all i could think was we let the guy who through the best post season game in club history (Fresno) for the guy, albeit six years later, would throw the worst.

I think it says volumes about a guy when his manager, his teammates, and the organization that pays him would rather pitch a 26-year-old kid, who had three wins on the season, on three days rest rather than pitching you. If we had made the World Series in 2006 I can not imagine he would have even been on the roster.

His career as a Met was ok, nothing too special and nothing to awful, however, his departure was on some of the worst terms imaginable. I like guys who walk with swagger and I like guys whose "guts" drag on the ground when they walk. Trachsel had none of that. I am always going to view Steve as a coward who bailed on his teammates and I feel like a fool for all the times I defended him.

Jack pesserilo
July 7, 2021
So many put Steve down as the worst pitcher in Mets history. But tell me how many MLB pitchers win 143 games? Of course he was no Seaver or Koosman or even Doc Gooden. Also please note he pitched for 14-15 years. Leave the guy alone and stop saying that awful word ”hate”. There is too much of that in today’s world.

Don J
June 14, 2023
When the pitch clock was approved for MLB, immediately thought about how this guy would fare with the pitch clock

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