Mo Vaughn
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Mo Vaughn

Mo Vaughn
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 82 of 1259 players
Maurice Samuel Vaughn
Born: December 15, 1967 at Norwalk, Conn.
Throws: Right Bats: Left
Height: 6.01 Weight: 268

Mo Vaughn was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on November 20, 2006, July 10, 2008, April 4, 2010, February 6, 2012, April 30, 2015, September 21, 2020, August 23, 2022, and December 15, 2024.


First Mets game: April 1, 2002
Last Mets game: May 2, 2003

Share your memories of Mo Vaughn


Mr. Sparkle
December 27, 2001
I see Mo as a big gamble not knowing how he can play after missing a full year but now that he's officially on board, welcome. I just hope Phillips has something up his sleeve for the pitching. We could end up being the NL version of the Texas Rangers if we don't work more on the pitching.

Won Doney
December 28, 2001
Mo Vaughn has a lot of power and could do a lot for the Mets lineup, but what are we going to do with Todd Zeile now? Nobody wants him.

Andy from Rego Park
April 5, 2002
Fenway Park, Fourth of July Weekend, 1991: Rookie Mo Vaughn, batting against Kevin Ritz of the Tigers, blasts an opposite field home run clear out of the park. Judging from the replay on the big centerfield scoreboard, it looked as if the ball bounced off the Moosehead beer sign in Kenmore Square. Now, of course that was an optical illusion because the sign was on top of a building easily more than 800 feet from homeplate. But still, it was a prodigious shot, and from that moment on, I was in awe of Mighty Mo. WELCOME TO NY, BIG GUY!

Reva H. Goggins
April 29, 2002
Mo Vaughn in an inspiration to my son Vaughn who is a left hander and bats righty! Ironically Mo and my son were both born in CT. We have his Red Sox t-shirt can't wait to get his Mets.

DJ Johnny M.
May 1, 2002
I was at a soggy Shea Stadium this Sunday and saw Big Mo do a belly-flop slide into second base against the Brewers. The crowd just roared! Last night Mo got three hits enroute to a Met 10 to 1 thrashing of the D'backs. I love his crouching batting stance and the way takes tosses to first on ground outs. He's wearing this huge (I mean HUGE!) protective wrap on his injured bicep. It's amazing he can hit and field with that monstrosity around his arm all the time. Must be annoying. He does this awesome horizontal stretch with his glove hand. Probably handy for getting close plays at first to go in his favor. An all-out hustler and exciting to watch. This guy is definately gonna be a beloved Met hero. GO MO!

Mr. Sparkle
May 16, 2002
Where is Willie Montanez when you need him? Unless Mo hits it over the fence he's a singles hitter because this guy is slower than Rusty Staub. In a quarter of the season he has only two homers. That's pathetic. No power, no speed, no range at first. My fears when we got him were that if he didn't pan out we'd be stuck with his enormous salary for three years. I'm still hopeful that he'll turn it around but if he ends up hitting 20 homers and knocking in 80 runs then they're spending a lot of money for a guy who does basically what Mark Johnson could do if he played every day. Getting stuck with this salary could kill the Mets for the next couple of years.

Joe Figliola
May 28, 2002
I'll say this about Mo so far; he talks a good game.

He's very up front when talking about his hitting woes. From these conversations, you would think he's smart enough to figure out what he doing wrong and come up swinging. But it is now turning into one excuse after another. If he isn't swinging flat footed, then his bats are too heavy.

You guys don't want to know how Moe is doing for me in my scorebook season. It is that damn bad! And the more I see him, the more he's looking more and more like Cartman from South Park when he attempted to become "BEEFCAKE." Only one problem, Mo: Where's the beef?

Mr. Sparkle
May 29, 2002
I'm done with this guy. The double play in the 9th to kill tonight's rally was the final straw. He bites. 1/3 of the season through and he's got 4 dingers. His strike out in the 7th was ridiculous. He was nowhere near those 3 pitches. My car has more clutch in it than Mo and I drive an automatic. I'm going to call him No Vaughn from now on. You think we were stuck with Todd Zeile's $6,000,000 for this year how about No's , what is it, $32,000,000 for the next 2 years? Please. There's a gamble that didn't pay off for Phillips. Now what?

Larry Burns
May 29, 2002
Memories of Mo Vaughn? Who could have any, this guy cannot do a thing except eat. My 12 year old nephew said, "Vaughn will come up with the bases loaded and they will throw him something inside and he will strike out." Amazingly accurate scouting report for a 7th grader. I guess Phillips cannot afford to hire him with all the millions he has invested in the human feed bag, aka Mo Vaughn. To be that huge and hit 4 homers is terrible. I keep hearing how great a guy he is, could we sign an jerk who hits next time? This was a waste of a roster space. It is unbelievable that someone could make me look fondly upon the glory days of Todd Zeile. Mr. Sparkle, you got it right---No Vaughn.

May 30, 2002
I agree with all of you, this guy ranks up there with all of the other "saviors" we've traded for in the past. I was at the game Tuesday night when he got the game ending strike-out in the 9th inning. His offense is positively vomitacious to say the least. What a bust this guy is. Of course if we trade him, he'll have an amazing come back.

Mr. Sparkle
June 6, 2002
I don't know why I pick on Mo because the whole team sucks but I think it's all the money they are stuck with for the next 2 1/2 years that kills me. I'm confident the other slumping Mets will turn it around but I don't think "No", actually I like "blow" better, will. I still can't stop thinking about $32,000,000 for the next two years. They are so stuck with this clown. There's no way you can trade or eat that money. Blow will be a fixture through 2004.

Mr. Sparkle
June 14, 2002
I was coaching 3rd base in my sons little league game the other day and the 3rd baseman for the other team, he must have been 8, asked me if Mo Vaughn played third. I told him no, it was first base and then asked him if he liked Vaughn. He said that Mo was his favorite player. Now he didn't look like he could have possibly been Mo's son so I just chalked it up to the innocence of a child. At least someone is in Mo's corner.

Mr. Sparkle
June 17, 2002
I gotta give credit where credit is due. Mo became a Met tonight. The homer in the 8th inning of the game against the Yankees had me jumping around like a 3 year old on a sugar rush! I absolutely hate these "interleague" games with the Yankees, I just can't take them. They are torture. I can't even bear to watch unless the Mets are hitting. It's just too intense for me. So I turn back just in time to see Mo knock it out and send the crowd into a frenzy. I almost went though the ceiling. If it weren't for Benitez we'd have a sweep but this series ended up pretty good after all. Way to go Mo!!

June 17, 2002
FINALLY, that's what you're supposed to do Mo! A 3-run homer in the bottom of the 8th inning against the Yankees. I have to say that was the first time I was glad we got him. Maybe Chris Chamblis is starting to make a difference somehow.

June 17, 2002
Time for me to join Shari and Mr. Sparkle aboard the "Give Mo the Credit He Deserves" bandwagon. Mo's dramatic blast was what I had all the pent-up excitement about last winter, driving back to San Diego from Vegas the day after Christmas, glued to ESPN radio, waiting for the official word on his arrival. Way to go, Mo! And his awakening from his lumber slumber coinciding with Chris Chambliss's arrival is no accident. As I jumped around and watched, it warmed my heart to see the entire team spill out into the on-deck circle to greet him. Let's hope Shawn Estes's near miss and big fly and now, Mo's blow, give our boys the inspiration and passion they desperately need to succeed.

June 30, 2002
I'm really in his corner. I have been all season. It has been tough to see him struggle. Since the homer against Wells (a most joyous shot!) he seems to be coming around.

July 22, 2002
Mo-simply stated I owe you an apology. I honestly never thought you would come around after that injury, but I am extremely thankful you did, not to mention the nice plays at first base.

Jim Snedeker
July 26, 2002
Regardless of what Big Mo does for the rest of the year, I think he needs to push away from the groaning board during the off-season and start eating leafy greens.

I love Mo, but it's painful to watch him running the basepaths. Not to mention the damage he must be doing to his knees. He's just too big.

Even Gary Cohen and Bob Murphy were commenting a few weeks ago on his swing, about how he has too much bulk to get around correctly.

Joe Figliola
January 10, 2003
I recently read that Art Howe paid a visit to Mo in Ohio and was pleased over how hard he was working out in the off season to get in shape for 2003.

Early last fall, there also was an article in one of the NY newspapers where Wilpon came this close to cutting Mo from the team.

Add the fact that his ex-team, the Angels, won the World Series the year after he was traded, and you probably have one humiliated and humbled first baseman. If these elements don't contribute into a strong turnaround year for Mo in 2003, then you can bet your boots that Ty Wigginton will become the Mets' new everyday first baseman.

Mr. Sparkle
January 30, 2003
The more I read about this guy the more he reminds me of Bobby Bonilla. I don't hate Vaughn like I did Bonilla but he seems to be a "pass the buck" kinda guy. He criticized Troy Percival after Percival said some things about him but I'm starting to think Percival was probably right. Mo is now bashing Bobby V. saying he planted the story about Mo's contract being voided if he doesn't get in shape but if that's the case why did Art Howe go visit Mo to check on Mo's weight? And wasn't Bobby good friends with Mo's father and wasn't there a close Connecticut connection between the two? So why is Mo now complaining about Bobby? It seems like everyone else is to blame for Mo sucking, except Mo. "OOOOOOHHH Bobby didn't motivate me, ooohhh." Stop whining you big fat piece of lard and act like a man. Shut your mouth (from talking and eating) and play ball. Don't pass the buck, be a man and stand up for your own shortcomings. I hope Mo has a good year but unless he starts acting like a team player and a stand up guy he won't even be in the same league as Bruce Boisclair!

And to answer a previous note about Mo not hitting his weight, I'm not sure Ted Williams could hit Mo's weight.

February 1, 2003
Unless he proves himself otherwise this season I have a couple of names I refer to him as: "Slow" Vaughn "Blow" Vaughn "Moo" Vaughn and lastly "Sumo" Vaughn. I know I said I started to like him a bit towards the middle of last season, but I'm learning that his mouth is as fat as his ass. I agree with you Mr. Sparkle, shed some poundage and shut your trap! Put your bat where your mouth is and keep quiet!

Mr. Sparkle
April 17, 2003
I remember when the Mets got Vaughn, I thought it was probably a mistake because he was coming off a year where he didn't play due to injury and he had two down years the previous two in Anaheim after a great career in Boston. But I heard about his connection with Bobby V and how Bobby was tight with his father and how Mo wanted to play for Bobby. So, after a terrible year on Mo's part, I was shocked to hear Mo blame Bobby for everything bad that happened to the Mets. Mo said Bobby couldn't motivate the team. What??

Wait, your father was great buddies with Bobby, and you supposedly loved the guy and now you are blaming him because you couldn't produce?? Oh, and Troy Percival was wrong about you I guess. It wasn't you, it was Troy, right. And Bobby's a jerk and the people in Boston are all jerks, right. But you are perfect. Despite being 100 pounds overweight, you're a pro and everyone else is a jerk. Oh, OK, I get it. It's not you, it's everyone else's fault that you suck. That's great. I guess Roger Cedeno can blame Bobby too for him not being able to catch a fly ball.

Joe Figliola
April 17, 2003
I thought that when you lose weight, you gain mobility. When I lost 27 lbs., I felt much lighter and quicker when I played baseball. (By the way, I lost the weight in 1983 and am still at 165 lbs.)

Anyway, I've noticed that when Vaughn fields a ground ball hit to him, it just seems like it takes a year and a day for him to get up. He is even slower when trying to convert a 3/6/3 or 3/6/1 double play.

The days when managers would put the aging, less mobile veteran at first base because you can't put him anywhere else in the field but you still need his bat are long gone.. Thanks to guys like Hodges, Vic Power, Mex, and John Olerud, first base has become a lot more than just catching the ball. (By the way, I too am a first baseman by trade.)

I've given Mo every benefit of the doubt; now I have my doubts about him so long as he's wearing blue and orange.

April 23, 2003
I think Mo makes so many errors at 1st base because when he bends down to get the ball he is distracted by the fact that he can actually see his shoes this year. Well now that he's lost a few pounds & Bobby V is gone he needs a new excuse doesn't he?

Larry Burns
April 30, 2003
This guy was on a training regimen this off-season? Did anyone tell him it has to be DIET milkshakes? He is getting fatter and more of a defensive liability than ever. I was at the game against Arizona on Sunday and the error he committed was an AWFUL error--no excuse--he must have lost his concentration when the vender screamed, "HOT DOG". Another big money bust---it is time to trade them all, take our lumps and bulid for the future. P.S. Mo: Fat, Slow and awful is no way to go through life.

Paul S.
May 2, 2003
The joke in April was that Mo couldn't hit his weight. It looks like the May joke will be that he can't even slug his weight. Not to mention his anemic fielding. Start Tony Clark and ship Mo to Detroit.

May 16, 2003
I wouldn't classify Mo as anything near Rusty Staub. Mo couldn't spit shine Rusty's cleats. He is just someone who won't accept that the jig is up and his career is over. I'd give Rusty Mo's salary to come back and play now. Mo stinks, and I think it's a very stupid signing on Steve Phillips' part. Maybe Rusty wasn't the greatest player in the world but one thing he was to me was a true Met. Mo is just looking for a paycheck, and he's getting one without earning it. My grandfather can play first base better and he's been dead since 1993.

Larry Burns
May 27, 2003
This fat piece of crap is going to hurt the Mets for years to come. I cannot believe we are saddled by this behemoth and his enormous salary (on top of the food bill for the post game buffet). I cannot wait to shed him from our roster because until we do we are not gonna win a thing.

Joe Figliola
May 27, 2003
Just read today that Mo was placed on the 60-day DL with a bout of secondopinionitis.

Stick a fork in him, Mets fans; he's through for the year (and hopefully, his career). Long live Jason Phillips!

Frankie B
May 27, 2003
By the way has anyone seen Moo Vaughn? He is right now talking to his eighth doctor begging the doctor to perform surgery so he can collect his paycheck and not be embarrassed by playing. I bet when he was missing, he was busy filling his mouth at Ben and Jerry's or Friendly's eating two sundaes. GOOD JOB, PHILLIPS, you clown!!

Jim Snedeker
May 29, 2003
I heard Cohen and Robinson discussing Mo's weight and knees last night. I know plenty of guys who get up early in the morning and work out in the gym every day, and THEN go to their full-time jobs. I find it incredible that some professional athletes cannot stay in shape, even when that is basically what they are paid to do, and that's ALL they do. Meanwhile, Gym Guy--who stays in great shape while also working a non- athletic fulltime job--will never make their kind of money in his entire lifetime. Imagine--being paid to stay in shape--something a lot of us do anyway. Most of us will never have it so good.

Well, I don't know the full story about his knees, and don't mean to suggest that Mo has been dogging it. I think it's sad to see such a once-great athlete like Mo have to endure these problems. I don't know him personally, but I'm sure he is not having a good time right about now. Good luck Mo, I hope your knees get better, and if your weight can be helped, I hope you can do something about that, too.

June 8, 2003
Jim, I couldn't agree with your commentary more. I bust my ass to stay in shape in addition to working 10 hour days, and doing the things that someone who makes 17 million a year pays others to handle for them. I did hear on the various Sports radio talk shows that he's been told he's through and it he plays on this knee again he will permantly injure himself. It only took the 7th or 8th second opinion. I guess he could't buy himself a doctor that would be irresponsible enough to let him play.

January 5, 2004
I think the trade that sent Kevin Appier for Mo Vaughn might be the worse in Mets history. What were they thinking? Todd Zeile had only one year left on his contract. Yeah, he had a bad 2001, but he was also playing hurt. At least he had heart. To add insult to injury, they trade a good pitcher in Kevin Appier for a guy who did not play due to injury in 2001, and had three years left on his contract that were each worth at least about 15 million.

I have gone to the Mets spring training the last three seasons. In 2002, I caught a foul ball off Mo Vaughn's bat. It was coming right at me, I ducked while my dad nicked it with his hand, and it fell between the crack in the fold of my seat. I was thrilled. After next day's game while we were waiting by where the players drive their cars out, we see Mo Vaughn going to his car. There were not that many people waiting to get autographs. I yell to him, telling to stop and sign the ball I caught when he drives out. He starts to drive out, and we get ready. But, it turned out to be pointless, because he had the nerve to just drive by.

When we went down to spring training in 2003, he even had the nerve not to wave to us from the field during warm-ups. I even have pictures that I took to prove it. To add more insult to injury, instead of taking a buyout, he is trying to come back from his own injury. Could it be because he wants to get paid his full salary? Note the sarcasm in the question. It seems Mo Vaughn is one of those players who does not care so much about his team, or the fans. Rather, mostly about the money.

February 13, 2004
I think most Met fans if they weren't pissed at him before should be because now this selfish blimp won't officially say he's retired so he can sit on his big butt and collect his money-Have a little class there Mo and just officially retire, I think you have more money than all of us fans put together-don't worry you won't starve.

June 18, 2004
When I think of Mo Vaughn, all I can think of is Elvis Presley in his later years. Maybe they were identical twins, separated at birth!

Amazingly, Mo is still in the Mets yearbook (on a page of "additional players," which shows you how proud they are of having him on the roster), and in the media guide. Three pages for him, too!

Mo knows retirement!

Phil Thiegou
January 14, 2005
Believe it or not, I was a Mo fan practically from day one. Even though I hate the Red Sox, I really liked Mo as a player for many years. I went to a bunch of Yankees-Sox games and sat out in the right field stands, hoping to catch a home run ball. I came close a couple of times. When I went to these games, I went with die hard Yankees fans who asked me on several occasions how would I feel if Mo became a Met. I figured it would be awesome.

Well, December of 2001, my dream came true. A couple of days later I got a couple of Mo Mets shirts and a jersey. He started out great, hitting his 300th career home run in the home opener, then the 3-run shot off of Wells in the Subway Series game on the Sunday night ESPN game. And basically that's where it ended.

Mo became a clutch strikeout, when there was a rally and if Mo needed a single to put the Mets ahead or within striking distance, he would strike out, killing a rally the way he's killed many a buffet. Sure he hit monster tape measure home runs, but they were solo shots when the Mets were either down 5-0 or up 5-0.

So this was a classic case of "Be Careful What You Wish For, You Just Might Get It." Oh I got it all right. Oh boy I really got it.

April 25, 2005
I remember when Mo first came to the Mets, the Carnegie Deli christened the Mo-Licious sandwich. I forget what was on it, but it was a ghastly combination of Ham ("'cause he's a ham"), Turkey, Cheese (for his "big, cheesy grin"), etc. The sandwich must have been a foot tall! Even Mo himself couldn't finish it.

I wonder if I can still get a Mo-Licious at the Carnegie now. Are they still selling those?

Paul Esmond
April 28, 2006
When I was living in Brooklyn (Brooklyn College grad here) I went to see a lot of Mets games and one I will never forget was an interleague matchup against the Twins. Mo was 0-4 and I think he made an error. With a chance to tie the game, I believe he grounded to Doug Mientkiewicz and the crowd became silent. The silence however was broken as Mo worked his 290 lb frame up the 1st base line and a fan shouted, "have another sandwich fatass." I'll never forget that.

August 23, 2006
I do rmemeber a small period of time where he went on a tear and it seemed like he would be the monster of a player that he was but that was shortlived.

JohnT Brooklyn
August 23, 2006
Don't feel too sorry for the Mets and Mo's salary - once he didn't play for 60 days then 75% of his bloated salary was covered.

A friend of ours has field level seats on the 1st base side at Shea and (unsuccessfully) tried to get a discount on her 2002/03 season tickets because she said Mo made these obstructed seats!

Will Clark made a great observation about Mo's fielding - "He has the range of a traffic cone."

The Flashing Flush
March 31, 2007
I was at the second game in 02, when Big Mo hit his first homer as a Met. That was the high point of that day and really of Mo's Met career, which never amounted to much.

Mr. Sparkle
December 14, 2007
So Mo was on roids ay. Well, clearly he had kicked the habit before ever coming to the Mets since his production was so poor he was probably more like on ludes by the time he hit Flushing. Oddly, it does not diminish Mo in my eyes one bit, since such a concept would be impossible.

March 28, 2010
My favorite player in the bigs. It didn't matter if he hit a home run or struck out. Made a great play or made an error, he made it look good. I call him the king of swagger. That swagger is seen today in Boston. When David Ortiz was really hot you knew he took a lot out of the Mo Vaughn swagger book. Vaughn will always be my hero.

November 25, 2010
Met him at a night club when he was hurt in early 2002. My girl without telling me went up to him to get an autograph from him for me. She told him this and he signed the matchbook and then he told her to go get me. She came up to me gave me the matchbook and then said "he wants to meet you". He was dressed real sharp, had rwo girls literally hanging off both of his massive arms and he was a real nice guy. Offered me and my girl some champagne which we accepted and we hung out with him for about 15 minutes. Not wanting to wear out my welcome I thanked him, wished him luck and told him if he wanted he could come by and have a drink with me and my friends at our table.

He didn't produce much for the Mets, but I was at the game when he hit the top of the Bud sign on the scoreboard at Shea. An unreal HR that I'll never forget.

senor ortiz
September 27, 2010
Had the pleasure of meeting Mo through a friend of a friend. A really fun and nice guy who has done some great work in the inner city after his career as well. He also was a good sport when I told him this concerning his blazing speed: "Hey Mo, I heard you had a race with a pregnant woman and came in third place." I really think he didn't kick my ass cause he is a great man with a warm heart and good sense of humor. It also could have been cause I walked away and he couldn't catch up with me.

JT Bkl;yn
June 5, 2011
Yes, his Mets career was a bust, but 2002 might have been salvaged if his finger wasn't broken by a pitch just when he seemed to be hitting better.

Scared us when he said he might show up at spring training in 2004!

He's done many good things since then, sprucing up low income housing in the Bronx and Brooklyn, and earning an award in 2010 for his public service. He was profiled in the Times too. Thanks Mo!

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