Doug Mientkiewicz
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Doug Mientkiewicz

Doug Mientkiewicz
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 289 of 1259 players
Douglas Andrew Mientkiewicz
Born: June 19, 1974 at Toledo, O.
Throws: Right Bats: Left
Height: 6.02 Weight: 206

Doug Mientkiewicz was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on December 17, 2005, and December 9, 2010.


First Mets game: April 4, 2005
Last Mets game: September 27, 2005

Share your memories of Doug Mientkiewicz


Won Doney
April 4, 2005
I'm excited about Doug Mientkiewicz...we haven't had a real first baseman yet this century!

April 4, 2005
I think Doug is going to turn into one of the great steals the Mets have made. His glovework around first is going to give the infield confidence, so the defense will have to improve! He's the best first baseman the Mets have had since Hernandez.

Professor G
April 6, 2005
Won and KMT, I'm down with what both of you are saying. I dig Doug. Great attitude, great glove and a much better stick than people give him credit for. He seems like the leader the infield crew needs. Yes, Delgado can rake, but he's a one-dimensional diva with a jackass for an agent. We're better off with Doug.

April 12, 2005
So far I like "Plan B" a whole lot better than "Plan A" and I always have: Delgado was a one-dimensional player; Doug has an amazing glove and I knew he could hit if he was in a situation he felt good in. I know it's early but he has proven that he was the right way to go at first base.

April 19, 2005
As excited as I am about the Mets' signing Martinez and Beltran, I think that this might be the best acquisition that the Mets have made in a while. Mientkiewicz plays good defense (and has the Gold Glove to prove it) and has a great blue-collar ethic about him. I think that the Mets have one the best infields in the majors and if they win the NL East, part of the credit will have to go to Mientkiewicz.

April 21, 2005
I am a Twins fan and Dougie was my favorite player. I got the chance to meet him and is one of the nicest people you could ever meet. The Mets are lucky to have him! He's a great guy both on and off the field....

Good luck in NY Dougie. We miss you in Minnesota!

Joe Figliola
May 2, 2005
He is one of those guys that several years go I quietly wished became a Met. But because he was doing so well with Minnesota at the time, coupled with the fact that Mo Vaughn was at first base, I felt it wouldn't happen.

Well, guess what? Circumstances change. Vaughn flopped, Delgado listened to Al Leiter and lo and behold, Doug is a Met. By this time, however, I didn't want him. The combination of his attitude about the Red Sox championship ball and what I thought was a decline in his offensive skills made me roll my eyes.

After watching him play early this year, I'm now glad once again that he's wearing Mets pinstripes. He became one of handful of guys that I scored a home run in his first Mets at bat (vs. Cincinnati, game two) and turned in a great play in the game against Florida (16 April) where he threw home to get the runner trying to score in the ninth.

Of particular note is one of his bobblehead dolls as a Twin. Rather than a bat or glove, he's depicted blowing bubble gum. I understand that the doll goes for as much as $100! Perhaps next year we fans can receive the Mets version of this act as well. (Are you listening, Shea promotions department?)

Mr. Sparkle
May 26, 2005
This guy hits into more double plays than Joe Torre. Rey Ordonez was a great glove too but had no bat. Men-K-vitch has been a joke at the plate. George Theodore could out hit him. Great glove and all but Carlos Delgado would be looking pretty good right now. He seems like a good guy and a team player but I usually say "inning over" whenever he strolls to the plate. I can't take it any more!

June 3, 2005
I think his bat will come around; he is a career .270 hitter. He seems to have caught the disease that every Met catches: "Bat Anemia." Cliff Floyd has now lost 100 points off his average since his hot start, Piazza is hitting under .250 so Doug shouldn't feel so bad. Besides if Delgado came here he'd probably be hitting around the Mendoza line too. His defense is well worth his anemic bat, he has saved Reyes, Wright and especially Matsui tons of errors.

Mr. Sparkle
November 6, 2005
Recently Doug was quoted as saying; "I always thought Minnesota was a great place to play. After a year with the Mets, an organization that doesn't have a clue, I know that for sure." What a tool. He officially joins the ranks of Richie Hebner as an all time complaining jerk. Let's face it Doug, you got stuck on the bench because you SUCK. Then again they probably were clueless for signing you. Don't blame the Mets for being clueless because they would rather see Mike Jacobs than you. Jacobs did more in one month than you did in 5. I admit you had some funny comments throughout the year but that doesn't make you a good player. I'm not suprised from a guy who tried to steal the game ball from the Red Sox World Series from the Red Sox organization.

Mark Corrao
December 22, 2005
Had a good glove, could not hit. He was a bit of a wise ass with his wit and mouth. The Mets benched him after if was discovered he was an automatic out in the lineup. Then mouths off that they don't have a clue. He better look in a mirror.

July 21, 2024
I was cautiously optimistic of Mientkiewicz's acquisition. He had been a .300 hitter a couple times, but had a down campaign in 2004. A standard Mets pickup. Get the guy after he's good, not while.

I was not thoroughly impressed by him during his stay with New York, but always tried to find a silver lining by noting his 11 home runs in 87 games, so at least he showed a little pop. Outside of that, though, he was a dud.

I also remember the controversy surrounding him trying to keep the ball from the final out of some playoff series—the Red Sox 2004 Series win, I imagine—but it's been a while and I don't really care that much about other teams' drama.

The Mets traded one guy with a weird last name, Ian Bladergroen, to get another guy with a weird last name in Mientkiewicz. Bladergroen never reached the majors, but it was sort of a gamble getting rid of him, considering how well he'd done in the low minors.

For those who are wondering, this is what Mientkiewicz actually means:

'The surname Mientkiewicz is of Polish origin. It is a patronymic name, which means it is derived from the given name of an ancestor, often indicating "son of." The root name "Mientek" or "Mi?tek" is a diminutive or affectionate form of the name "Mieczys?aw." Mieczys?aw: This is a Slavic name meaning "sword of glory" or "famous with the sword," composed of the elements "miecz" (sword) and "s?aw" (glory or fame). -wicz: This suffix is common in Polish surnames and means "son of" or "descendant of." So, Mientkiewicz likely means "son of Mientek" or "descendant of Mientek."'

He later became a manager in the minor leagues.

Finally, I wrote Mientkiewicz an autograph request through his home address in 2019, but he never responded.

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