Leron Lee
vs. the Mets
Game Log

Leron Lee
Born: March 4, 1948 at Bakersfield, Cal.
Throws: Right Bats: Left
Height: 6.00 Weight: 196

Leron Lee played for the following teams:

Leron Lee as a Mets Opponent - Regular Season Batting Record
Year Team G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI SB Avg. TB Slg. OBP
1970 St. Louis (NL) 15 363811130.22214.389.237
1971 St. Louis (NL) 6 101200110.2005.500.273
1971 San Diego (NL) 4 131310000.2314.308.375
1972 San Diego (NL) 8 2831221020.42916.571.500
1973 San Diego (NL) 5 71200020.2862.286.375
1975 Los Angeles (NL) 1 10000000.0000.000.000
1976 Los Angeles (NL) 2 50100010.2001.200.200
Totals 41 10092842290.28042.420.342