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Voice Of The Fan: Met Fan Speaks
New Jersey Record (Bergen, NJ)
Wednesday, April 25, 1962

Two very early Mets fans, Vinny Galasso and Tom Rossetti, write to their local newspaper to say they'd rather cheer for a losing Mets team than a winning Yankees team.

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Hot Foot
April 28, 2023
I agree with everything in this letter to the editor.

In my humble opinion, American League baseball is not "real"; it's boring. It always has been since I started watching baseball in 1986. Back then, as an 8 year old, I remember the Mets games on WWOR were bright and colorful and the games were exciting, sometimes even thrilling. On the other hand, Yankees games on WPIX were slow, quiet, long, boring, and borderline depressing.

Plus, I couldn't stand Phil Rizzuto yammering constantly, and the Scooter was calling games back in '62 when this article was written. Conversely, Bob Murphy was on par with Vin Scully.

I wonder if Vinny Galasso and Tom Rossetti (the fans who wrote this letter) are still watching Mets games today. If they are, I would ask when Mets games switched to color. I checked and it seems WWOR added color programming in 1967, but I'm not sure if the Mets games were in color during Seaver's rookie year.

Does anyone here know when the Mets games switched to color? I guess the way to find out is to find a New York City TV Guide (from during the 1967 baseball season) on eBay.

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