Previous Game:
April 9, 1985
Mets 6, Cardinals 5
1985 Regular Season Game 2
April 11, 1985
Mets 2, Cardinals 1
Next Game:
April 12, 1985
Mets 1, Reds 0
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National League Standings, April 11, 1985

Box Score Game Memories Scorecard Mets Stats
Thru This Game


Joe Lanzisera
July 22, 2002
An odd game to remember so clearly, but I was there and at field level no less. This was the game after Carter's GWHR in his debut game. It was exciting to see him in a Mets Uniform although he didn't do much this day.

I remember that ex-Met Neil Allen walked Danny Heep with the bases loaded in the 11th inning to end the game. A walk off Base on Balls. I never liked Neil Allen.

Barry F.
May 22, 2004
Joe, this was a wonderful game. I sat up in the mezz, just to the left of home plate and brother it was COLD that day! 50 if that and windy. Darling had awful control to start, throwing 14 balls among his first 20 pitches. But somehow he survived. The Mets scratched out a run on a fielder's choice by HoJo to tie it and then it became a struggle to score another run. I remember during Heep's at-bat the place was screaming trying to rattle Allen and he never came close to the plate.

Robert Pfeffer
February 16, 2005
I was at this one. It was the second game of the season and it was a overcast day and it looked like it might get rained out.

Because the Mets had sold out opening day, they advertised this as opening day 2 and Rodney Dangerfield threw out the first ball.

I think this game set the tone for the Cardinal/Mets rivalry that was to continue for the next few years. John Tudor was almost unhittible that day and also almost unheard of before the season, having come over from Pittsburgh in the winter. Neil Allen, who the Mets had traded to the Cardinals for Keith Hernandez, came in and threw 4 straight balls with the bases loaded and Roger McDowell got the win in his Mets debut.

December 12, 2006
This game was Roger McDowell's debut. This was also the game when the wave effectively died for me. During the 1984 season the wave had been a big thing and I enjoyed it, On this day I also got injured doing the wave (nothing major) but I banged my knee on the rail in front of my seat. (The wave was never the same again!)

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The Mets suck! Smith made three errors in this game, and hit into a double play, and the Mets blew a 5-0 lead. They need to get rid of Smith and get somebody like Jones.
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