Previous Game:
October 25, 1986
Mets 6, Red Sox 5
1986 World Series Game 7
October 27, 1986
Mets 8, Red Sox 5
Next Game:
April 7, 1987
Mets 3, Pirates 2
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Thru This Game


Celebrity Bowling
July 24, 2001
I know game 6 is one of the greatest games ever played, but the Mets still had to win game 7 or it wouldn't mean anything. And the Mets were flat in the beginning of the game. My memory of this game is of Sid Fernandez coming in in the 4th and dealing. I think he struck out the side in at least one inning and the momentum swung to the Mets.

Lou C.
August 14, 2001
I met someone by chance who was looking to unload Game 7 tickets. My brother and I plunked a few bucks to see our team finally win one. The seats were 8 rows behind the Red Sox dugout. We had such a great time. The Mets were down by three in the sixth and we all knew they would win. After what happened in Game 6, how could you not believe? I remember the cool air and the smoky like atmosphere as I panned the packed stadium from my ground level seat trying to absorb the moment and get my monies worth. The crowd was doing a Darr-yl like chant to every Boston player. The sound echoed through the air. We weren't sure if we'd ever be at such a monumental game again, even though the Mets appeared invincible. As we drove away from Shea, strangers were leaning in our car and hugging us. It was great. Whenever I hear talk of retribution to Roger Clemens, I think of Games 6 and 7 in 1986. He thought he was winning but didn't. Thats enough for me.

Richard Biever
October 25, 2001
I was a poor, recent-college grad, working as a photographer for an Indianapolis suburban newspaper. I had just started watching this game on my 13-inch color TV (a set I had bought only weeks before to celebrate the Mets pennant -- before I was still watching games on a 5-inch black and white set I won from my local Dairy Queen in 1982).

Then, my landlords -- an elderly couple -- called me downstairs to talk to them. I thought of all the freakin' times to possibly call me!! Maybe I did too much celebrating after Game 6, I thought, and they just wanted to talk about it. Wearing my Mets shirt and Mets hat, I went down and was then asked to move out.

It wasn't my celebrating, they said, it was just that their daughter and her kids were coming home from California the next morning and needed the room. I went back upstairs, depressed. Grew even more depressed as I watched the Mets fall three runs down, and then celebrated again with their victory.

Sure enough, next morning, there was their daughter's luggage on the back porch! But, I didn't care. The Mets had won!

March 26, 2003
"Here comes Wilson. Here comes Mazzilli," were the words of Vin Scully after Hernandez singled sharply off of the seemingly invincible Bruce Hurst to put us right back in the game. El Sid was the second coming of Koufax in this epic as he overmatched the Bosox while our bats were still heating up. The sight of Ray Knight homering off of the befuddled Schiraldi is etched in my memory forever. I never doubted them even after Darling fell behind 3-0 early. There was no way we were succumbing to these perpetual losers after we rose like Rasputin in game 6.

August 13, 2004
The base hit by Keith may be my #1 favorite Met memory of all time. He had no business swinging at a pitch that high -- except that he was Keith and he was clutch.

We were still down after this basehit, but was there any doubt?

Another beautiful sight: Ray Knight's homer hitting that blue tarp behind the wall. When you saw the little dimple in the tarp that was the cue to go crazy.

Joe Lanzisera
August 6, 2004
As a few people have already said, Sid Fernandez sealed his place in Mets history in this one. He was awesome and really turned the momentum by mowing down the Sox for a few innings. Meanwhile, the greatest clutch hitter in Mets history, Keith Hernandez, got the second huge game seven hit of his career (he had a two run single for St. Louis in Game 7 in 1982).

And then in the 9th - after the red stink bomb or whatever it was - Barrett struck out to end the game.

"Swing and a miss. Swing and a miss! Struck him out! Struck him out! and the Mets have won the World Series!" We still love you Murph.

November 16, 2004
I was 9 years old back in '86 for Game 7. I remember the second inning and the Boston homer that popped out of Straw's glove and over the fence. Then El Sid came in to stop the bleeding and on came the typical Mets rally that was so normal that season. Keith with the 2 RBI's and the Ray Knight putting us ahead for good with a blast. After that I just remember everything in slow motion. Then Straw crushed one and rounded the bases for what seemed like 5 minutes, and I knew the time was close. That damn smoke bomb delaying my celebration! Finally bottom of 9, two down, two strikes...Marty Barrett swings through Jesse Orosco's offering and Jesse launches the glove into outer space. I was jumping on my bed in my parents house and remember then going outside and celebrating with a bunch of my neighbors on the Island.

It all happened 18 years ago. It still stands as one of the greatest memories of my life. Still seems like it was yesterday.

December 19, 2004
How's this for a coincidence? When the Mets won the World Series in 1969, Jerry Koosman was on the mound. When they were World Champs in 1986, Jesse Orosco was on the mound. The true beauty is that in 1978, Koosman and Orosco were traded for each other.

April 30, 2005
That was the ultimate birthday present, as I turned 22 that day! Been a Mets fan since I was 5, and don't remember 1969. But, I will ALWAYS remember that last out on 10/27/86.

April 28, 2006
Keith's three run double didn't really surprise me too much cause after Game 6, everyone knew the Mets had the series. But one thing I will always remember is when Orosco threw that last pitch for Strike 3, he threw his glove up in the air and you never see it come down. Did his glove ever return to the ground? We will never know.

April 28, 2006
Hmm. well I don't really have much memory of that wonderful day. Would it be maybe because that was the day I was born!! I was born in the morning, and my father STILL went to the game!! Ha Ha. Twenty years later, I am still waiting for my Amazings to pull through again! Another birthday gift? =)

I love my Mets! ahh!

Killer K
June 10, 2006
I was a little over one year old when this game took place, so unfortunately was not there watching the game live. However, after buying both games 6 and 7 on videotape through Ebay, I've been able to watch this game over...and over...and over again. This is my favorite Met game of all time. Straw's home run, triumphant, breathtaking and arrogant as he took his sweet time rounding the bases epitmoizes the entire season in my view. Met superiority, the ONE TIME we've been the favorites...God bless the VCR and modern technology!

November 5, 2006
I was at this game with my father. Although not a Mets fan, I lived in the New York area at the time, and couldn't pass up a chance to be at the seventh game of the World Series.

I will admit I was a bit concerned when Ron Darling gave up the two early Boston home runs, but Davey Johnson's best move was to bring Sid Fernandez into the game in the middle innings. He completely shut the Red Sox down. After the Mets tied the game in the sixth with three runs, I had a feeling they would win.

Then, in the seventh, when Boston manager John Mcnamara brought Calvin Sharaldi in, the fun really began. First, Ray Knight blasted his memorable home run. After that, the stadium just erupted into this haunting chant of "Callll-Vinn Callll-Vinnn", taunting Sharaldi derisively, in the spirit with which the Red Sox fans had taunted Darryl Strawberry at Fenway earlier in the series.

The Red Sox didn't go away, and it got nervous for us fans rooting for the Mets again in the eighth, when Boston scored two off McDowell. Then, after Davey brought Orosco in, Strawberry hit that huge homer, and we had a feeling it was over. Then, Orosco hit an RBI single to boot, and the party could begin.

Although not really a Mets fan, I was very happy when Orosco struck out Marty Barrett of the Sox for the final out. The scoreboard flashed "116" for the Mets 116th win of the season, and it was truly awesome, as I can tell my grandchildren that I was at a clinching game of the World Series. It was an experience to remember.

August 18, 2011
Can't believe the 25th anniversary is coming up. I still have my ticket stub hanging on my wall, upper reserve section 23, row k seat 5. I didn't really need the seat; no one sat down after the 3rd inning. The stadium was bouncing so much I was glad I was on the top deck. We knew after Game 6 that the series was ours. We waited until after the final out to celebrate with the champagne we snuck in. All these years later and I can't believe it was the last championship. But at least I know I can die in peace. This night made the hardship of being a Mets fan worth it.

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Newspaper covers for this game
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No. 1

October 28, 1986


New York Daily News
October 28, 1986


New York Daily News
October 28, 1986


New York Daily News
October 28, 1986


New York Daily News
October 28, 1986


New York Daily News
October 28, 1986


New York Daily News
October 28, 1986


New York Daily News
October 28, 1986

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