Previous Game:
October 12, 2006
Mets 2, Cardinals 0
2006 League Championship Series Game 2
October 13, 2006
Cardinals 9, Mets 6
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October 14, 2006
Cardinals 5, Mets 0
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Thru This Game


February 4, 2007
The game that cost the Mets the series. Willie is in love with Mota and Wagner and stayed with them when they both had nothing.

I said to everyone the Mets just lost the series- -you do not bounce back from a lose like that and win a playoff series.

If the Mets win that game, there is no doubt in my mind that the Mets sweep the Cards.

February 22, 2007
No doubt that this game cost the Mets the series. You cannot lose a game when you blow 3 leads. Despite what people think about Wagner, and Shawn Green missing the the ball, Mota lost this game by throwing a fast ball after throwing good changeups . I knew the series was over when they lost this game.

Joe Lanzisera
March 3, 2009
No doubt that Spezio's hit in the 7th off of Mota was the game and series changer. One of those kick the dog and yell at the TV moments for me that I will always remember. Who doesn't think we have a third World Series pennant hanging at Citi Field if we win this game?

December 9, 2011
From our seats, the view of the right field corner was blocked. So we never got to see how well or poorly Shawn Green played the ball hit by Scott Spiezio, which broke the Mets' backs. But we had an all- too-clear view of Billy Wagner imploding in the ninth. One of the most painful Mets losses EVER.

August 6, 2017
This was the game that changed the series around, I think if the Mets would have won Game 2, Mets would win this series in 6 games. We had this game in the bag but Cards kept coming back, and that Taguchi home run in the 9th was the knockout. I knew Mets were going to lose this game since the Spizeo hit.

April 26, 2024
The game that changed the whole NLCS and gave the Cardinals confidence that they can win it.

Mets were beating up the Cards ace (Carpenter), Mets offense was redhot and ready to go up 2-0 in this NLCS, and win the NL Pennant in St. Louis in 4-5 games. But then Maine and the bullpen just couldn’t hold on.

What many tend to forget is that not only did Wagner give up that solo home run to Taguchi, but it was also that he allowed also a couple of more insurance runs, thus denying the Mets a realistic chance in the bottom of the 9th inning.

When Mets lost this game 2, Mets kinda knew that they were gonna be in trouble in game 3, since Trachsel in 2006 had nothing left.

And of course, who can forget that Mota inning, when he was up 0-2 on the Cardinals Spiezio, and twice Lo Duca called for a pitch away (maybe up) to make Spiezio chase, but both times Mota either threw a down and in pitch fastball to Spiezio (which he hit hard for foul ball) and then on the second pitch he threw a fastball right down the middle that Spiezio almost hit a go-ahead-home-run, but Shawn Green was able to pull it back.

I also know many Mets fans that feel like Shawn Green should have caught that ball.

Rough loss.

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Newspaper covers for this game


New York Post
October 14, 2006


New York Post
October 14, 2006

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