Ed Kranepool
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Memories of
Ed Kranepool

Ed Kranepool
Inducted into the New York Mets Hall of Fame, 1990
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 5 of 1254 players
Edward Emil Kranepool
Born: November 8, 1944 at New York, N.Y.
Died: September 8, 2024 at Boca Raton, Fla. Obituary
Throws: Left Bats: Left
Height: 6.03 Weight: 205

Ed Kranepool has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 144 times, most recently on February 25, 2025.

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First Mets game: September 22, 1962
Last Mets game: September 30, 1979

Share your memories of Ed Kranepool


Richard Kissel
May 10, 1963, I went to the Polo Grounds with my father to see the Mets play the Pirates. Eddie Kranepool was already my favorite player. I lived in the Bronx and my father went to James Monroe High School. The Mets lost 10-1 that day to Bob Friend and Kranepool got the only hit in the first eight innings, beating out a slow roller!

In December 1966, Eddie was inducted into the Monroe High School Sports Hall of Fame. I was the only kid there. My father brought me up to the dais and I was, for the only time in my life, speechless. My father said "Richard hasn't been the same since you guys traded away Ron Hunt," which was the previous month.

I have many more memories of my favorite player. His greatest clutch hit, the day before Tom Seaver's almost perfect game. July 8, 1969, had the only hit
Ed Kranepool and Mickey Mantle
Ed Kranepool and the other Number 7, Mickey Mantle.
in the first five or more innings against Fergie Jenkins, a home run. In the bottom of the 9th, he hit a soft liner over shortstop to win an unbelievable game.

Ed Kranepool started with the Mets when I was 6 and was on the Mets when I graduated from Law School in 1979. I've told him that to the other kids in the Bronx, Mickey Mantle was Number 7, but not to me.

Mr.Met,Ed was with the Original NY Mets of 1962 and was with the club 18 years. One of my most favorite Mets. Good steady player and well liked by the fans. Hit .323 one year. Was one of the first to use bats that were hollowed out at the end. Ed is also a native New Yorker. Played in two World Series 1969 and 1973. He was also an excellent team player.

Mr. Sparkle
Always loved Ed when I was a kid. How could you not love him? He really made me hate him though when he said, several years after his retirement, that he regretted coming up so early in his career and would have been better having more time in the minors. OK, then he said he wished he had signed with a winning club that would have developed him in the minors more. Is he kidding me? Does he have a World Series ring or not? He would have rather played for a winner! What a set of @#$%s this guy has! He was never that good to begin with and to say something like that really kills me. How many better players than him never got a ring?? What a jerk!

Chris Kyriacou
He was my favorite player growing up, not because he was so great, but because he WAS the Mets personified. When I was in little league, around 10 years old (1976), I played 1st base. I came home and told my dad I chose No. 7 as my jersey number. He said great! For Mickey Mantle! I said Mickey who??? It's because of Eddie!

Tom Zambrano
Ed was my favorite ballplayer when I was growing up in Rockland County. I remember sending him a fan letter as a nine-year-old kid in 1966, inviting him to come swimming in our new "above-the-ground" pool. He never did show up for a swim, but I remember checking the mail every day for the next couple of months until an envelope from Shea Stadium arrived. There was no letter or anything, but there was an autographed photo. It was my most cherished possesion in the world. So why can't I figure out what happened to it?

Danny Erickson
December 18, 2000
Ed Kranepool was the first autograph that I ever received. My mom took me to meet him at a bank, where he was signing autographs. I said absolutely nothing to him. I have met him several times since the quiet time. I always admired how Ed takes an interest in the memorabilia that you have him sign.

eric koussevitzky
March 16, 2001
in 1968 ed grabbed my name from a raffle and won 2 tickets to a Mets game ,a double header wsith the cubs. ever since that day Ive been a met fan . so in turn I owe it all to ed. eric

Won Doney
April 17, 2001
Ed Kranepool was a a good 1st baseman. Knowing the Mets, I'm suprised he didn't get traded and then go on to have a great career somewhere else (Nolan Ryan, Lenny Dykstra, Amos Otis).

May 1, 2001
Hey I don't know if you guys remember but a few weeks ago in the Aflac Trivia Question, the Question was What Mets player was with the Team the longest and the Franchise and howie (I should stick to Hockey) Rose didn't know it was Kranpool. I was laughing so hard

July 30, 2001
He's a simple of the Mets first twenty years cycle of down up and down again. Not many players other than stars spend 18 years or so with one team. Around 1979 I was 11 and met him at, I think, the Islip Speedway at a fair. My older brother was running one of those concessions where you get a cheesey dot-matrix printed picture on a sign or a shirt or just framed. Ed was there promoting I think, and my brother arranged a meeting. I thought I was in the presence of God Almighty Himself. Still have the computer picture of me sitting on his lap.

September 23, 2001
When 2001 regular tickets went on sale at Shea at 9:00 a.m in February I figured that if I got there at about 7:30 or so I would'nt have to wait that long to get up to the box office. This was arguably the coldest day of the winter and The line wrapped aound the stadium to the back of the scoreboard, where I proudly took my spot in line. More than six hours later my position in the line moved to inside the stadium (which incidentally is like a wind tunnel). Standing there with frozen toes, fingers and face I could not believe my eyes. There he stood, Number 7, Just as frost bitten as the fans in line, greeting the fans and signing autographs to anyone who asked. Suddenly it didn't feel that cold anymore and I realized yet another reason why I am proud to be a Met Fan.

Ed Kranepool spent his entire carreer (18 years) with the Mets isn't it time we retire his number in left field next Seaver and Hodges. I can't think of any other player who has spent 18 years with a single team. It should be retired if for nothing else than as a sign of loyalty.

Mr. Sparkle
December 4, 2001
I was reading a book about the 69 Mets from the old Daily News articles and in a section between the NLCS and the World Series, there it was again ............. "If he had it all to do over, ED Kranepool doubts seriously he would join the original Mets. 'I think I'd sign with a better ballclub, not a new franchise. The frustration of six years took a lot out of me. I was part of a joke. That drains you. You lose your desire.' " In my book that puts him with the likes of Richie Hebner and Bobby Bonilla. I know everybody loves this guy but those word to me were treason. Screw you Eddie!!!!

Jim Snedeker
January 7, 2002
Another one of my favorite Mets. As the team eased through the early 70's, Lindsey, Ralph and Bob made a big deal about how Kranepool had only played for one team his whole career, and that he was the only Met to play in every one of the team's seasons. He was NOT, however, an original Met. Well, all this meant a lot to a young kid, like it was explaining the meaning of destiny or something.

Although he says he liked his role as a pinch-hitter in his later years, I didn't. He seemed to be considered to be an oddity; a bunch of drunks yelling "Ed-DIE, Ed-DIE" (yeah, real creative), and he comes up and gets a hit or not. So what. I wanted to see him play regularly.

He wrote a book about how to play baseball, and I bought it. I wonder how many people still have their copies?

Kranepool retired in 1979, the same year as Lou Brock. The Mets management saw fit to hold a special Lou Brock Day at Shea, but did nothing to honor Ed, after his 18 years of service to the team. I heard he wasn't too happy about it, and I don't blame him for feeling slighted.

January 25, 2002
Other great Mets players will come and go, but Ed Kranepool will always be my favorite. A class act all the way, he was brought up too quickly as a youth, but in the second half of his careers he gained a ton of respect around the National League both as a fielder and as a team leader. His pinch hitting averages per season, from 1974 through around 1978, were amazing-- guys like Len Harris get more ink but in my book the best two pinch hit specialists in Mets history are Kranepool and Rusty Staub, hands down. Thanks, Ed, for all the memories. The real Mets supporters will never forget you.

harvey k
January 31, 2002
i met him recently in a business context.he is very smart and extremely congenial.the Mets never bring him back or show him any appreciation for all the years he played's not right!and it hurts him.

Larry Burns
June 14, 2002
Ed Kranepool was an average major league player. His longevity was aided by the fact that he was brought to the majors early on a weak team. He enjoys a productive major league career highlighted by going to the World Series twice, winning it once. A dream come true! But not to good old Ed, he looks back on this fantasy come to life and announces that he would have rather signed with a "winning" club----it took all his desire away. I desire that a Mack truck run his ass over.

dean friedman
August 18, 2002
Baseball was a different creature as I grew up, compared to what it is now! The constant wanderings of players from franchise to franchise were unknown. Mr. Kranepool was a hero to me. His trips to the World Series in 69 and 73 were a triumph for all true METS fans and , indeed, for all baseball fans. My favorite player today is Gary Sheffield. I wince every time he changes teams, especially now , since he is a BRAVE and I am a MARLIN fan. I salute Mr. Kranepool and I remember the days when a franchise player was loyal to the franchise and the franchise was loyal to him.

August 20, 2002
I saw Ed Kranepool during the All Amazing Team Ceromonies (That was the only part of the Met game I could bare to watch) Is ti me or does anyone else notice that as he gets older he looks more & more like the actor/comedian Robert Klein?

Gary Brown
September 23, 2002
My grandfather knew someone at Shea who got us into the Mets locker room before a game when I was 13. The Krane was sitting in his underwear talking on the phone. I asked him for his autograph. All I had was a leaky fountain pen that smeared ink on his left hand. With the phone to his ear, Krane said, "Uh, I don't think the ump will let me play with this ink on my hand." But I got the autograph. He became my favorite Met of all time from that moment on.

The thing I admired about Krane the most was when he came back in 1971 from his season in the minors and won back the starting position at first base. He had a fantastic season that year with lots of clutch base hits. Krane could have easily thrown in the towel and retired. But he ate crow and stayed on with the club right up until 1979. He should have his number retired.

Joe Figliola
January 8, 2003
A great off-field memory I have of Ed are in the form of two commercials: One was for shaving cream (I want to say Gillette), where the announcer said "From 1962 to 1970, Ed Kranepool batted .239. Then Ed used Gillette shaving cream. From 1971 to 1977, Ed hit .289. How do account for that, Ed?" Then you'd see a closeup of Ed with plenty of lather on his face saying basically, "How should I know?" I always loved the baseball portion of that ad, where you him screwing up and making contact.

The other commercial (circa 1976) Ed was in was a public service announcement for diabetes that featured his son Keith in a YMCA pool with a beach ball and wearing an oversized wet t-shirt.

On the field, Ed was great. I scored his 100th career home run against the Expos in 1976! The previous year, Ed topped all Mets I scored with a .444 mark!

Bob R.
January 9, 2003
Ed's career is unlike any other I can think of. He started as the boy wonder, the teenager who would be the next great star. Then came the gradual disillusionment as it became clear he lacked the talent to be great. Then came his later career, as he developed into a fine role player and one of the best pinch hitters in the game. I doubt any player will ever again play as many years with the Mets - or any team - as Ed did. He didn't have great power (although he did hit a homer in the '69 Series) and he was a slow runner. But he was good enough to last 18 seasons in the major leagues and play in two World Series, and that has to count for something.

Mr. Sparkle
January 15, 2003
Casey Stengel once said of Ed " He's only 17 but he looks like he's 30." Wes Westrum called him "the oldest looking 22 year old in baseball." Not exactly high praise. Dallas Green would have run him out of town.

June 5, 2003
I remember in the late sixties whenever he came to bat the sign man over the third base dugout at Shea held up a sign which read "SUPER STIFF." He epitomized what can happen when a player is rushed to the major leagues at 18 years old. Gil Hodges sent him to the minor leagues for a spell. He was not a bad fielding first baseman and actually became productive when Gil Hodges platooned him with Donn Clendenon in 1969.

Bob P
June 5, 2003
Flushing Flash, that's a great point. I went to and looked up Krane's range factor. Eddie wound up playing 1,304 games at first base, or the equivalent of a little more than eight full seasons. Over that period, his range factor was 8.64 while the league's range factor was 8.63.

However, I totally agree with your assessment that fielding percentage doesn't tell the whole story. Bill James has said that he feels another good indicator of a first baseman's fielding skills is the total assists per game. Kranepool had 779 assists in 1,304 games, an average of .597 per game. In comparison, Keith Hernandez, who is generally recognized as an outstanding first baseman, had 1,682 assists in 2,014 games, for an average of .835 assists per game.

Joe M
July 20, 2003
I spent half of my youth in Brooklyn defending the talents of this great player. Krane was awesome in the month of April, sometimes batting .360. I loved the way he stood at the plate. Always had a home run stance.

Peter Lester
January 25, 2004
Met him once in the Woodbridge, NJ mall. What a pleasant, delightful man. We shared a frankfurter and talked about the Nixon administration.

Steve Green
March 22, 2004
My Dad (who played some serious second base in his days) grudgingly followed those new Mets in the early 60's, mostly because we were left with no more Dodgers. Jack Fisher, Al Jackson, Charlie Smith.... and Good Lord -- ex-Yankee Casey Stengel running the team!

But Dad, astute as he was a ballplayer, maintained that the younger Kranepool 'stepped in the bucket' when he batted -- against lefty or righty pitcher. That's just the way he batted in his early days. It seems he eventually stood in there, right foot resolute, when he turned into the pinch hitter and .300 hitter he became in his later Mets career.

So it was kinda fun to watch him step in the bucket at Shea in 1969 and hit one over the 410 sign off a Baltimore pitcher (Watt? Leonard?)

Jonathan Stern
June 23, 2004
I saw Kranepool perform for the Mets during his last season (1979). I remember that the first time I ever saw him on TV (lumbering up to hime plate to pinch- hit), I immediately went "Ugh!" He didn't look like a ballplayer. He looked like a typical father of someone from the local PAL league (or maybe a member of my temple's Men's Club), who decided, for kicks, to suit up and take his swings for the Mets. You know, paunchy, schlubby, old-looking. And he was only 34! Come to think of it, so am I as I write this. Yeesh.

But boy could he hit, even then. And the cries of "Eddie! Eddie!" from the small-but-loyal Shea faithful were enough to melt my heart. I was at a game in which Joe Morgan hit a towering pop fly down the first base line. Kranepool went to the wall and caught, while pausing to glare at a fan who almost took it away from him. Amidst more chants of "Eddie! Eddie!" Morgan argued fan interference, but to no avail.

Last season, I'm walking around Shea before a game when out of no place, coming towards me - ED KRANEPOOL! Out of youthful habit, I almost blurted out "Kin I have y'autograph?" but I recovered and asked him if I could shake his hand. He said, "Yeah, showa, how y'doin'?" I replied, "Even better now!" I then looked around to make sure he didn't get mobbed on his way into the Diamond Club. I would have felt terrible if he did.

To all of you who complain about mean players refusing autograph, I have this to say: You can lose an autograph (or, as too many do, sell it), but you can't lose a handshake.

Ray Hunt
July 1, 2004
Though born and raised in N.Y, I've been living in Philly half my life now, but grew up during the 70's - what pitching! - as a Mets fan, and always will be. 'Til this day when we trade baseball stories, a few of my friends down here are Mets fans, Ed Kranepool's name always pops up, and leaves a twinkle in our eyes. We all unequivocally agree though most outside of N.Y. area don't know who he was or ever heard of him except through conversations like ours, that bar none, Ed Kranepool was the best pinch hitter of all time!

B Ro
October 18, 2004
I attended a baseball camp in Pennington, New Jersey during the summer of 1977. One afternoon, Ed Kranepool and Joe Pignatano were guest speakers/instructors. After speaking, Ed, on the request of the campers, agreed to take a few cuts in the batting cage. He was only swinging half speed off the pitching machine....but the ball was exploding off his bat with a sound and velocity I had never heard or seen up close before. He was the first major leaguer I saw hit from just a few feet away and it made an impression....which was, "Big leaguers are good. Real good."

May 6, 2005
When I was a little kid in the late seventies, I was a huge fan especially knowing he was also from Long Island. I got to meet him at a fair at the raceway, took a new-fangled "computer portrait with him" that I still have. It's one of my prized possessions.

Ron S
July 10, 2005
Having been the consumate Mets fan right from the beginning in 1962 and being a left handed first baseman myself and being that Eddie was so young, he became my favorite Met very quickly. Imagine my delight when he was the guest speaker at my Nottingham Little League graduation in 1963 and he handed me my trophy. It must have been very close to his 19th birthday. It was really something. Yes, I still have my trophy.

Joe P.
July 10, 2005
Ed Kranepool was always my favorite Met! Ed Kranepool never forgot his roots and came to speak at his old school P.S. 36 in the Bronx back in 1973. I was there and will never forget that. Ed always was a fan favorite and always took time out to talk and to interact with the fans. He is a TRUE Bronx legend!

Ken Aven
July 13, 2005
Just check out my e-mail handle: krane7. That should say it all. Ed Kranepool played at the same Bronx High School that my mother graduated from some 20 years before him - James Monroe High. That connection and the fact that when the Mets were created I was only 7 years old have stayed with me through my entire life.

Ed Kranepool will always be the Mets to me. He was big, strong, and slow in 1962 and he stayed that way through his entire career. I hated when Donn Clendenon was brought to the 1969 team and shared the first base position with him. But he still got into a lot of games.

I remember seeing Krane with a giant bottle of champagne on TV during the locker room celebration. Everyone else had beer but he stood out.

The Mets were loyal to Kranepool by allowing him to stay and be their pinch hitter in the late 70's when most New York fans had abandoned the team for the Yankees. His service to both the Mets and to the Long Island community should be rewarded by his number being retired.

Bob R
July 13, 2005
More than anything else, Kranepool serves as an example of never giving up. He was definitely rushed to the major leagues too soon, then expected to be a power hitter instead of the line-drive hitter he really was. I still remember when he got sent down to the minors in 1970, which must have really stung. But he hung in there, came back and eventually had a terrific second act as a pinch hitter in his later years. Never a great talent, but he'll always be a favorite for millions of Met fans just because of his sheer persistence.

July 26, 2005
In 1970, on Mother's Day, my family had dinner at a Restaurant called "The Dugout" in Amityville, NY. It was owned by Ed Kranepool and Ron Swoboda. I still have an actual original menu. You wouldn't believe the price of Filet Mignon.

November 25, 2005
Like many others here, growing up, Krane was one of my favorite players! I don't really care about his, "Sign with a winning team" comment! Not only was he rushed, the Mets milked that hometown boy routine to its fullest! I remember reading another quote by Ed that his going down to Tidewater in '70 taught him how to hit! The numbers certainly show that to be true! Through good times and bad, he was a fixture in N.Y. for 18 seasons. Hope he's doing well!

Bob R
December 22, 2005
Ed will always have a special place in my heart because he hit the game-winning homer in the very first baseball game I ever attended! It was July 1, 1965, and my dad took me to Shea Stadium to see the Mets play the Reds. My mom had clipped coupons from the Borden's milk cartons so we got free tickets to the grandstands! (Total savings: $2.60) With one out and one on in the first inning, Ed belted a 2-run homer and the Mets were off to a 5-1 victory. I was 10 years old and will never forget it as long as I live. I've thought of that game often since my dad passed away in 1987.

Tom L
January 4, 2006
I remember being 10 or 11 years old, and cruising the first base line with my scorecard and pen for autographs during batting practice, when ol' 'Steady Eddie' comes over to the stands to talk to a security guard. I'm in the front of a pack of a dozen or so kids, charging the rail to get his signature, and when I get there I realize I'm leaning into the gate next to the dugout that opens up onto the field. Well the gate was unlatched, and sure enough, Boom! I land on the field in a heap, scraping my elbow, and being lifted back into the stands by number Seven! The guard is chasing the other kids away, and before he can say anything to me, Eddie looks at my bloody elbow and says, 'I guess that earns you an autograph!'

Anthony R
March 21, 2006
I remember the "classic" film clip of Ed playing the outfield at Shea in 1977, and he was chasing a double off the wall hit by some pitcher on the Reds named Tom Seaver. A micro-cosm of the sad times ahead for a proud franchise.

May 24, 2006
As a kid I read in Mad magazine that Ed was the guy whose baseball card you'd get in every pack when you really wanted Pete Rose. A couple of times at games, and even on TV, I'd hear someone let out a deep and throaty "KRRRRRRAAAAAAANNNNNNEEEPOOOOOOL"! when he'd come to bat. Going to games now I fight the urge to do that.

June 2, 2006
I will never forget my Grandfather from New Jersey watching a Mets game in the mid 70's yelling at the TV in his joisey accent "Hey Kranepool, get the lead out!" I called him once while watching a game and Ed actually had a stolen base!

Harry Balzac
June 9, 2006
I remember back in the Mid-70's when Ed was comin' around the bend of his career. I saw him once at a game and asked him to sign a baseball card of mine. He looked at it and told me it wasn't a Topps. He only signs Topps. He left to go get ready for the game I told him to stop "Stepping in the bucket when he swings." Not sure if he appreciated that coming from a fan.

June 14, 2006
VERY RUDE And nasty person; met him at a church function in 1987 and he did not sign a single autograph or say hi to a single person.

October 28, 2006
Ed Kranepool came to my grade school when I was 11 or 12 and talked to us about making it to the big leagues; sort of a motivational speech for lack of a better description. Afterward, the school set up a table for him on the auditorium stage and he proceeded to autograph photos for every kid. I'll never forget that, and I still have the picture! A class act all the way.

Diamond Dave
March 11, 2007
I became a Met fan in June of 1969. My Dad, (who became A Mets fan in '62 5 years after the Giants broke his heart and moved to SF) decided at age 6 I was old enough to go to a Mets game. That day Agee had a couple of hits but every time Ed Kranepool came up my dad would yell "BIG ED" LETS GO, BIG ED." By 1971 I was understanding more about the game and watched almost every game on WOR channel 9 and my dad ALWAYS announced "BIG ED" when No. 7 strode to the plate. By 1972 I was telling him "Kranepoop stinks, I can run faster than him" but my dad never wavered and he told me when my favorite player gets traded (Agee) I can root for BIG ED. Well Tommie Agee was traded after 1972 but I still didn't like BIG (stiff) ED.

If not for Joan Payson his career would have ended in 1970. What other player gets sent to Tidewater after 8 years in the bigs? He was a good pinch hitter in mid late 70's but overall average at best. But my Dad sure loved him.

My son is now 4 and has a Mets theme in his room. One section is dedicated to the '69 Mets, one to the '86 Mets and there is one lone 5 x 7 photo of BIG ED in honor of my dad who never met his grandson. I tell him that's Big Ed.

james van der wall
April 1, 2007
My Dad used to take me early to the Polo Grounds to see the Mets games. We would wait for the players to come in their civilian clothes and ask for autographs. I was never very aggressive, much to Dad's dismay. But the best story was when I was in a pack of autograph seekers and came back empty-handed to Dad and said, "Ed Kranepool stepped on my foot!" It remains a family treasured story.

Bill Deegan
April 12, 2007
46 years as a Mets fan and Eddie remains my Number One Favorite Met. I remember as a 12 and 13 year old tracking his batting average every day in a spiral notebook. How come they never had a "Day" for him?

Illya Lasting
April 14, 2007
I met Ed when I was a kid, he actually handed me one of many little league trophies. I have many signed pictures and one very early in his career, framed minor league shots of him when he was with the Buffalo Bisons. Very nice piece if anyone is interested in it.

Bill Browning
April 23, 2007
I guess you could say "I knew him when." I attended P.S 36 with Eddie. He was my safety patrol captain back in the early 50's. Pretty quiet for the most part, but,one hell of a ball player,and one great gentleman. Hey Eddie, remember Mr. Doffey? Take care old friend.

May 1, 2007
Last year there was a Negro Leagues mobile Museum at Shea. Not only did I get to see the legendary Buck O'Neil in one of his last public appearances but I met Ed Kranepool. Eddie walked in a back door of the mobile museum with a Met employee. I spotted him right away. I think I caught him off guard, because it seemed no one else recognized him. (What true Met fan wouldn't recognize Ed Kranepool?) Anyway I gave him a "Hi Eddie, How ya doing?" He acknowledged me and shook my hand. All I had was my camera phone but I had to take advantage of the photo op. He took two pictures with me because I accidentally deleted the 1st one. He was very nice about it and said it was not a bother. He seemed both happy and proud that he was still a popular Met. He took both pictures with a big smile. Heck of a nice guy. Thanks Eddie.

Randy E
April 12, 2008
Krane was my favorite growing up on Long Island......he came to our little league awards one year in Island Park and another year him Tug, Rocky, and Gentry appeared at Nathan's in Oceanside. They spent a lot of time talking about baseball and about being a big leaguer. I always loved watching him play and can say that he brought me and my dad closer together. My Dad's been dead since 1982 but the memories still live on. Thanks for everything, Eddie.

Tom L.
April 12, 2008
I know this will annoy all the Kranepool lovers out there.

Right before the 1976 season, a bunch of the Mets were at the Staten Island Mall to sign autographs to kick off the season. (Can you imagine them doing this today?) They gave out the previous years yearbook (the one with Seaver on the cover) and you could go all around the Mall to get them to sign anything. I was 13 at the time.

All of the players and coaches were very nice, including supposedly miserable guys like Dave Kingman. (Who was very nice to all of the kids.) When me and my brother wne to the table with Ed Kranepool and and bloated Mickey Lolich, they were sitting back in conversation and decided they had signed enough and told us no more autographs. Kranepool joked that his had was broken and the fat slob Lolich thought that was hilarious and they basically laughed us away.

To this day I have no use for either of them, there was no reason to do that to us. If they wanted to take a break they could have.

Kranepool was mediocre at best, he's only beloved because he was with the team forever. Lolich was one of many stupid Mets trades.

Jim Snedeker
July 22, 2008
I was listening to a tape of a 1963 broadcast. Ed is up and Ralph is announcing. Ralph says, "What a beautiful swing! I don't see how he won't become one of the all-time greats!"

Joe Figliola
March 9, 2009
I don't think I ever read more about a player with such a Jekyll and Hyde personality as Ed Kranepool. Yes, he could be surly, as indicated in the personal encounters written on this site. The Jack Lang book on the Mets also illustrated this side of Ed when he reportedly dissed advice from Duke Snider on how to break a batting slump.

However, Kranepool was very kind to me when I had a book idea about the Amazin's nearly two decades ago. I mailed him a list of questions and he responded quickly and thoughtfully. He, in particular, had some very kind things to write about his experiences with and learning baseball from Casey Stengel.

Even had I not written him, I don't think I could say anything negative about Ed. He did his best, and me and friends enjoyed watching him play when we were kids.

E Smith
February 15, 2010
Guess who I literally bumped into at Target in Garden City in the detergent aisle a couple of years ago? Ed Kranepool and his wife. After I acknowledged who he was, he remarked cheerily, "Everybody's gotta eat." I found him very personable. I remarked that I watched his debut on TV. After a brief chat, we shook hands and we went our separate ways.

April 15, 2010
He is still my all time favorite player 30 years after he retired. He was there for all the big plays: the bloop single to show the Mets could beat the Cubs with 2 out in 9th, the home run in the World Series in his only game, the 2-run RBI to beat the Reds in 1973 replacing an injured Staub, the great glovework at first base, the clumsy outfielding, the great pinch hitting, the 18 years on one team as a born and bred New Yorker. He is always on any baseball show about Willie, Mickey and the Duke as he saw them as a kid AND played against (and with Willie and the Duke) as an adult. The best, and by almost all accounts (saw a few negative ones here and everybody can have a bad day) a great guy.

January 30, 2012
I saw Ed Emil play in the 1970's. He was an OK player. For a big guy, he should have hit for more power. I think he's endeared to Mets fans because he was an original Met and is one of the very few players to have played his entire career with the Mets.

Bob Smith
October 30, 2015
As a kid discovering baseball at about 10 years old, my first favorite player - and still is - was Ed Kranepool. He was a lefty, as I was; he played first base, like I did. Even through college, I bought a newspaper to look in the box scores to see how Ed did on a day-to-day basis. A great pinch hitter, I don't think Kranepool got nearly enough kudos for his fielding; he wasn't fast or flashy, but I don't ever recall him making very many mental mistakes in the field; he had steady hands and turned a killer 3-6-3. Kranepool looked, acted, and spent his Mets career as a true pro. I miss those days of my youth, and having a favorite player like Ed to look up to and learn from. But it's all fine; I've had the chance to meet Ed a few times, and he's been a real gentleman. Here's hoping he spends his retirement years happy and healthy, and safe in the knowledge he really was an important part of the New York Mets...and a favorite player of so many fans.

Raymond Malcuit Jr.
November 13, 2019
My father said that Ed Kranepool had a pretty swing.

Rich Mercado
September 10, 2024
Ed Kranepool is a class person and certainly a fine ballplayer. We are all so lucky to have him in our lives and at such an early age. God will bless Ed for ever and ever. We were all so lucky to have him in our lives and celebrate his being a New York Met.

Timothy McMahon
September 12, 2024
Ed Kranepool was the guest speaker at our 1971 Little League banquet in Stamford Ct. I had a broken arm at the time and he signed my cast. I still have the cast. I treasure it because Ed was my favorite Met and I played 1st base. I don’t know if it is worth any money but it’s priceless to me. I venture to guess it is a one of a kind thing?

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