Felix Millan
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Felix Millan

Felix Millan
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 34 of 1259 players
Felix Bernardo Martinez Millan
Born: August 21, 1943 at Yabucoa, P.R.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 5.11 Weight: 172

Felix Millan has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 39 times, most recently on April 12, 2024.


First Mets game: April 6, 1973
Last Mets game: August 12, 1977

Share your memories of Felix Millan


He was my favorite Met when I was young because he used to choke up on the bat like I did. I was wondering what happened to him after the Mets?

Tony Papale
I remember Felix going 4 for 4 one game, all singles, and Joe Torre followed each hit by hitting into a double play.

Felix was my favorite Met when I was growing up (I was three when he was traded to New York.) I saw him hit a home run (don't remember which year) and my Dad told me that he hit it for me (and of course I believed him!)

Logan Swanson
April 22, 2001
I don't get it. Felix gets his collar bone broken by Ed Ott, but he's well enough to play in Japan? I'm sure Felix could have played another couple of years for the Mets. He sure would have hit better than Doug Flynn.

John Reilly
May 4, 2001
Felix was as steady as a rock, a consistent hit machine year in and year out, a great double play partner for Bud Harrelson, with a consummate professional approach to the game. I remember Felix played in an Old Timer's Game (I believe in 1984), and Ralph Kiner had him on Kiner's Korner. Felix said, "It's great to be home." Ralph said he thought Felix's home was in Puerto Rico, but Felix said "Shea is always my home".

That's right, Felix the Cat. Shea is your home. We love ya.

May 9, 2001
By 1976 I liked this guy so much that my 1st car was a mail jeep which I fixed up with a paint job, curtains etc and I had letter decals speelling out "Felix Cool Cat" on the back in honor of Felix "the cat" Millan. Very good doubleplay man too !!

Danny Erickson
August 16, 2001
Everybody remembers the fight with Ed Ott, but Felix also had a fight with Tim McCarver. I remember Tim slid hard into Felix and that started their fight. I don't remember much else. I'm surprised big mouth McCarver never brought it up.

Jim Snedeker
March 11, 2002
Always liked Felix. It was exciting when he came to the Mets, since he had a good reputation preceeding him. And I think he was one of the first Latino "name" players to play for the Metsies.

Unfortunately, the one thing I remember him most for was a Buckner-style error (through the wickets) he made during the '73 Series against Oakland, which helped the A's win that day. If he hadn't made that error, and everything else stayed the same, the Mets would have been 1973 World Champs.

April 2, 2002
Felix was a wonderful person. Not only was he a great ball player, but he had such a wonderful personality. He was very friendly and kind. My mother and I got to know him and his family very well when we would come to Shea Stadium early to watch batting practice. We made special banners for the Mets and participated in the banner parades. We have made a special banner for Felix calling him "Felix the Cat" Man and "Put Millan First". There were times we use to travel with the Mets. I was very upset and hurt when Ed Ott came at him the way he did in Pittsburgh. I am thankful for the times we shared back then.

Tommy Lo
May 14, 2002
Felix is the reason I am a Mets fan today. I'll never forget the way he played the game and choked up on that bat. It was a dream come true when I went to Shea for the first time with my Mom and Dad and saw Felix play in person.

May 16, 2002
I will never forget watching the Mets vs. the Pirates in the late 70's & watching Ed Ott the Pirates catcher body slam Felix right down over second base. I remember being horrified. After that Felix went to play ball in Japan and we never saw him again.

October 13, 2002
I think he Millan is one of the more underappreciated players in Mets history. He was a solid, winning player and certainly one of their all time best second basemen. It seemed like he held the team record for hits in a season for about a million years.

Joe Figliola
March 20, 2003
Great contact hitter. I remember on radio hearing that the only other player besides Millan who choked up that high on the bat was a backup catcher named Ken Suarez of the Texas Rangers.

It bothered me a little bit how Felix was let go to Japan after '77. He was a solid, consistent player. Even in '74, when his average tapered off due to an ear problem, I think he still maintained his reputation as the toughest batter to strike out in baseball.

Millan's home run hitting is tough to recall. The only one I remember was the one he hit in a rain-shortened losing game to the Pirates in '75.

March 26, 2003
When I was about 12 or 13 years old I saw Felix Millan at an autograph signing in the Staten Island Mall. {Free of course back then.} After the signing he ducked out through the service exit and I knew where this came out in the parking lot, so my friends and I ran outside to meet him without all the crowd. Well, he was with one other gentleman and they could not find their car. We had more laughs helping him that day. One of my friends had just bought a whiffle ball and bat and Felix took the time out to hit a couple of balls to us on the grass area adjacent to the parking lot. We eventually did find his car.

April 1, 2003
I don't know where the joke started, but growing up I always heard the Mets traded him to a Japanese team for catcher's equipment. Actually believed that for awhile.

Lisa Capella
October 7, 2004
Still have my autographed glove by Felix. What a complete class act he was. My favorite Met (and prob. always will be).

Jonathan Stern
January 18, 2005
I thought it was Pepe Mangual who inspired SNL's Chico Esqualez character.

Speaking of late-night comedy, here's a strange memory. In the prologue to Dave Letterman's first book of Top Ten lists, Letterman mentions Felix Millan. The "joke" was that, evidently, Dave thought that he was writing an introduction to a book about the 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey team, not to a compilation of his Top Ten Lists. So the intro is completely straight and commemorative... about the hockey team. Millan is quoted by Dave as saying about the victory over the Soviets, "I really didn't think they could do it."

Your guess is as good as mine as to why this particular introduction was written for this particular book. And why it was Millan and only Millan, of all people, who Dave chose to quote.

Bob R
July 25, 2005
There's been a lot of discussion about bad Met trades, and there's been plenty of them, but Felix Millan may have been one of the best trades the team ever made. In his first season with them, he batted .290 with 185 hits, including 23 doubles. Felix was also terrific turning double-plays. There's no way they would have won the '73 pennant without him. His 5-year average with the Mets was a solid .278, making him one of the best second basemen in their history. I can still see him choking way up on his bottle bat, spraying hits through the infield. They also picked up George Stone in that trade, a key pitcher on that '73 pennant-winning team. To get Millan and Stone, they gave up Gary Gentry, whose career was almost over, and Danny Frisella, a good relief pitcher who later tragically died in a car accident.

September 23, 2005
I lived in Queens during the 70s in my formative years and I hated to have to move to Japan in '76 because I knew I wasn't going to be able to watch the Mets anymore. (No major league coverage in Japan back then.)

Then it was a pleasant surprise to find Felix on the Yokohama Whales roster in 1978. While Felix was not my most favorite Met, I followed his action nontheless and was really proud of him when he got the leading hitter title in '79.

During the 3 years he was in Japan, Felix played in 325 games as a second baseman and batted .306 (.346 in his best year) overall. During the 3 years he was struck out only 52 times, and in his final year he was at bat 332 times and got struck out only 12 times !

While Felix homered only 12 times in 3 years in Japan, one of them was a grand slam. Felix's leading hitter title also goes down in Yokohama history as he is the first leading hitter ever for the Yokohama team.

He is still well remembered here for his distinctive batting style and for his solid performance.

John O'Hare
November 6, 2005
Felix was my favorite player in the early '70's, Just like everyone else, I choked up like him, and was surprised how well I could hit like that!

A few years ago, my wife gave me a Mets Dream Week for my 40th birthday, and Felix was my coach. He was such a nice guy and a gentleman. At lunch the first day, I feel a tap on my shoulder, and it's Felix asking if he may sit next to me to eat! HE was asking MY permission! Imagine that! Of course, I nearly choked on my food offering him a seat. Good player, but even a better man. If you read this Felix, I hope all is well, and you gave me memories forever

March 1, 2006
Millan was a fine player but a bit of a jerk. Once the Dodgers Don Sutton hit him with a pitch late in a game putting the tying run on base and Millan wanted to fight him! I remember when he made the stupid mistake of picking a fight with a fomrer college wrestler named Ed Ott. Ott body slammed him and his career was over due to a broken collar bone.

May 24, 2006
Felix was my favorite player as a kid. He was the reason I played second base (not only in softball, but in boy's little league too). I choked up on the bat like him, I batted second in the order like him and my nickname was even Felix for a few years. My family and I were on vacation that horrible August day in 1977 and I have never actually seen footage of the incident with Ed Ott. I don't think I want to. I just remember crying when I heard the news.

Mario Navetta
May 24, 2006
Many years ago, when Ralph Kiner hosted his post game show for the Mets, he had as his guest Felix Millan, a fairly good hitting second basemen. While his batting average demonstrated his proficiency with a bat, his brain had a poor record when it came to English comprehension. Ralph posed a long, detailed query as to what would Felix do if he had,"...runners on first and third, one out, a hard hitting pitcher at the plate, with the next batter not known for his batting against lefties, etc, etc" Felix listened attentively, occasionally nodding his head in seeming understanding. Ralph's question ended with, "And what would do in that situation?" Felix's response was as quick as his double play bullets to first base, "Jees, Ralph!"

You had to love the guy! Needless to note, Ralph, too, is one of a kind.

September 8, 2006
As a kid I loved Felix Millan. I remember choking up really high up on my dad's bat. I swung as hard as I could and the bat handle hit me in the stomach. It hurt like hell! I never choked up after that but still always loved Felix.

September 8, 2006
As a Mets fan right from the very beginning, I recall watching games in the 70's after Felix was on the team. It seems like whenever Felix came to bat, you could always count on him getting a hit and getting on base. He was a great and reliable player. Later, in 1989, it was fun to see him playing in the Senior Professional League, on the Legends team. An appropriate team for a Legend to play on.

June 12, 2007
My family always used to tell me that Felix was my uncle. I never paid much attention to that until one day I was on vacation with my dad in Puerto RIco (Yabucoa) and I met him! I was so thrilled. He has a stadium up there named after him and if only everyone that saw me knew he was my uncle! He was a great 2nd baseman, which is now my position.

mrs. Evelyn Argudo
July 21, 2007
In 1972 I instantly became a Mets fan. I was 12 and to this day I LOVE THE METS and I always wonder about Felix Millan. He was my favorite player. When I was in middle school I got a shirt with his last name and I was so proud to wear it during gym!! May God bless him always; he will forever hold a place in my heart. Today my son and daughter ages 11 and 13 and my husband all are true Mets fan and all because of FELIX MILLAN.

July 22, 2007
I remember Felix playing in Yabucoa PR around 1962 maybe, I was much younger. He stood out among other players, he was the best. His wife back then was my best friend's sister. I was watching Cesal Millan's dog show tonight and it hit me "Millan", and the memories came back. I've been online for the last few hours trying to find how to contact him, no luck. If anyone has info on how I can contact him let me know. I knew Felix's wife's family very well, they live right up the road. I knew of Felix's family but my Dad knew them well. I hope someone can help, if you knew him we can just talk about old times. Have a nice one.

August 26, 2007
When I was 8 years old in 1973 I played 2nd base in Little League and Felix Millan was my favorite player. I also played ice hockey and when it was time to get our jerseys, my dad asked me what number I wanted. I told him #16. He asked me what pro hockey player wears #16. I told him it is Felix Millan's number. My dad laughed.

Manny Fernandez
September 21, 2007
Felix is probably my closest friend after my wife and kids. He and his wife Mercy are the greatest role models I have ever met. I suggest that he be given the job as Mets manager because of many attributes. Loyalty to the Mets and a great teacher he has worked with many of the major league players over the last 25 years as a coach and teacher. Believe it or not one of his jobs with the Mets was to teach players like Fonzi and others English when they were in the rookie league. After he retired from playing baseball he went to college and earned his Masters degree. He currently does Dream Week for the Mets and Braves and does some P.R. engagements. He always says that Hank Aaron and Tom Seaver were his best teammates and that he learned a lot from them. He truly loves his wife and children and his Granddaughters. You might not know this but his grand daughter Jernie Talles is a rising country vocalist.

Nancy M. Ortiz-Beard (Millan)
March 2, 2009
Hi to all. I was scanning the internet for some information when I came across this website.

Felix is a cousin of mine whom I just finally recently met in 2008. Because he was always traveling and I was born in NYC/raised in Cleveland, I never met him. I did meet his wife Mercy and since I have met him find him to be very genuine.

My mother and his father were siblings, both deceased.

It is nice to read so many positive things about him.

February 6, 2010
I would like to add that Felix is a man of integrity, I have had the privilege of being close to him, have seen him in his relationship with the public young and old and he is loved. Has a great wife (Mercy), He is a great role model for young people. Above all he has the good qualities of a Christian.

September 21, 2010
My favorite Met while growing up. I actually still am partial to the number 17 and choose it whenever possible. (Also because of Keith Hernandez.) He choked up at least halfway up the bat, had amazing bat control and was darn near impossible to strike out.

Jane Allen Quevedo
January 4, 2013
Felix Millan fans will be interested to learn that he tells his personal story in the book Tough Guy, Gentle Heart, and I had the privilege of helping him write it.

Pete Lugo
February 1, 2013
He is now retired and is a great golf player; a real gentleman and a wonderful human being on the golf course.

April 15, 2013
Every Mets fan will never forget Felix "The Unlucky Cat" Millan for costing them the 1973 World Series. Not only with his infamous error but his lousy .188 batting average.

Who can forget Millan sucker punching Pittsburgh's Ed Ott with the baseball still in his hand after a hard slide at second base? Big mistake as Ott, who could have killed the very weak Millan, scooped him up and body slammed him to the dirt. Felix sustained a broken collar bone, a separated shoulder and most likely a concussion. In all his years living in the United States the only English word he could comprehend or say was, "Pepsi", lol. He was indeed a character.

Simons Steven
September 3, 2020
I saw him play as a kid in Atlanta as a Met. He was so kind...came up to me, gave me an autograph and talked to me for a bit. That was mid 70's I believe and I've never forgotten it. Thank you Felix for making a young kids day!

Mike Friedman
January 24, 2022
What a classy guy. I met him at the fantasy camp in 1992. He drove me to the ballpark and shared stories.

manuel felix millam
November 2, 2024
He is my grandpa and I never knew how good of a guy he is and thank everyone who talks good about him.

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